/* * === Commands processing === * * Blackmagic Design Videohub control application * Copyright (C) 2014 Unix Solutions Ltd. * Written by Georgi Chorbadzhiyski * * Released under MIT license. * See LICENSE-MIT.txt for license terms. * */ #include #include #include #include #include "data.h" #include "cmd.h" #include "util.h" const char *videohub_commands_text[NUM_COMMANDS] = { [CMD_PROTOCOL_PREAMBLE] = "PROTOCOL PREAMBLE", [CMD_VIDEOHUB_DEVICE] = "VIDEOHUB DEVICE", [CMD_CONFIGURATION] = "CONFIGURATION", [CMD_END_PRELUDE] = "END PRELUDE", [CMD_INPUT_LABELS] = "INPUT LABELS", [CMD_OUTPUT_LABELS] = "OUTPUT LABELS", [CMD_VIDEO_OUTPUT_LOCKS] = "VIDEO OUTPUT LOCKS", [CMD_VIDEO_OUTPUT_ROUTING] = "VIDEO OUTPUT ROUTING", [CMD_VIDEO_INPUT_STATUS] = "VIDEO INPUT STATUS", [CMD_VIDEO_OUTPUT_STATUS] = "VIDEO OUTPUT STATUS", [CMD_MONITORING_OUTPUT_LABELS] = "MONITORING OUTPUT LABELS", [CMD_MONITORING_OUTPUT_LOCKS] = "MONITORING OUTPUT LOCKS", [CMD_MONITORING_OUTPUT_ROUTING] = "VIDEO MONITORING OUTPUT ROUTING", [CMD_SERIAL_PORT_LABELS] = "SERIAL PORT LABELS", [CMD_SERIAL_PORT_ROUTING] = "SERIAL PORT ROUTING", [CMD_SERIAL_PORT_LOCKS] = "SERIAL PORT LOCKS", [CMD_SERIAL_PORT_STATUS] = "SERIAL PORT STATUS", [CMD_SERIAL_PORT_DIRECTIONS] = "SERIAL PORT DIRECTIONS", [CMD_PROCESSING_UNIT_ROUTING]= "PROCESSING UNIT ROUTING", [CMD_PROCESSING_UNIT_LOCKS] = "PROCESSING UNIT LOCKS", [CMD_FRAME_LABELS] = "FRAME LABELS", [CMD_FRAME_BUFFER_ROUTING] = "FRAME BUFFER ROUTING", [CMD_FRAME_BUFFER_LOCKS] = "FRAME BUFFER LOCKS", [CMD_PING] = "PING", [CMD_ACK] = "ACK", [CMD_NAK] = "NAK", }; #define OFS(X) offsetof(struct videohub_data, X) struct videohub_commands videohub_commands[NUM_COMMANDS] = { [CMD_PROTOCOL_PREAMBLE] = { .cmd = CMD_PROTOCOL_PREAMBLE , .type = PARSE_CUSTOM }, [CMD_VIDEOHUB_DEVICE] = { .cmd = CMD_VIDEOHUB_DEVICE , .type = PARSE_CUSTOM }, [CMD_CONFIGURATION] = { .cmd = CMD_CONFIGURATION , .type = PARSE_CUSTOM }, [CMD_INPUT_LABELS] = { .cmd = CMD_INPUT_LABELS , .type = PARSE_LABEL, .ports1 = OFS(inputs), .port_id1 = "video input", .opt_prefix = "in", }, [CMD_OUTPUT_LABELS] = { .cmd = CMD_OUTPUT_LABELS , .type = PARSE_LABEL, .ports1 = OFS(outputs), .port_id1 = "video output", .opt_prefix = "out", }, [CMD_VIDEO_OUTPUT_LOCKS] = { .cmd = CMD_VIDEO_OUTPUT_LOCKS , .type = PARSE_LOCK, .ports1 = OFS(outputs), .port_id1 = "video output", .opt_prefix = "out", }, [CMD_VIDEO_OUTPUT_ROUTING] = { .cmd = CMD_VIDEO_OUTPUT_ROUTING, .type = PARSE_ROUTE, .ports1 = OFS(outputs), .ports2 = OFS(inputs), .port_id1 = "video output", .port_id2 = "video input", .opt_prefix = "out", }, [CMD_VIDEO_INPUT_STATUS] = { .cmd = CMD_VIDEO_INPUT_STATUS , .type = PARSE_STATUS, .ports1 = OFS(inputs), .port_id1 = "video input", .opt_prefix = "in", }, [CMD_VIDEO_OUTPUT_STATUS] = { .cmd = CMD_VIDEO_OUTPUT_STATUS , .type = PARSE_STATUS, .ports1 = OFS(outputs), .port_id1 = "video output", .opt_prefix = "out", }, [CMD_MONITORING_OUTPUT_LABELS] = { .cmd = CMD_MONITORING_OUTPUT_LABELS , .type = PARSE_LABEL, .ports1 = OFS(mon_outputs), .port_id1 = "monitoring output", .opt_prefix = "mon", }, [CMD_MONITORING_OUTPUT_LOCKS] = { .cmd = CMD_MONITORING_OUTPUT_LOCKS , .type = PARSE_LOCK, .ports1 = OFS(mon_outputs), .port_id1 = "monitoring output", .opt_prefix = "mon", }, [CMD_MONITORING_OUTPUT_ROUTING] = { .cmd = CMD_MONITORING_OUTPUT_ROUTING, .type = PARSE_ROUTE, .ports1 = OFS(mon_outputs), .ports2 = OFS(inputs), .port_id1 = "monitoring output", .port_id2 = "video input", .opt_prefix = "mon", }, [CMD_SERIAL_PORT_LABELS] = { .cmd = CMD_SERIAL_PORT_LABELS, .type = PARSE_LABEL, .ports1 = OFS(serial), .port_id1 = "serial", .opt_prefix = "ser", }, [CMD_SERIAL_PORT_LOCKS] = { .cmd = CMD_SERIAL_PORT_LOCKS , .type = PARSE_LOCK, .ports1 = OFS(serial), .port_id1 = "serial", .opt_prefix = "ser", }, [CMD_SERIAL_PORT_ROUTING] = { .cmd = CMD_SERIAL_PORT_ROUTING, .type = PARSE_ROUTE, .ports1 = OFS(serial), .ports2 = OFS(serial), .port_id1 = "serial", .port_id2 = "serial", .opt_prefix = "ser", .allow_disconnect = true, }, [CMD_SERIAL_PORT_STATUS] = { .cmd = CMD_SERIAL_PORT_STATUS , .type = PARSE_STATUS, .ports1 = OFS(serial), .port_id1 = "serial", .opt_prefix = "ser", }, [CMD_SERIAL_PORT_DIRECTIONS] = { .cmd = CMD_SERIAL_PORT_DIRECTIONS, .type = PARSE_DIR, .ports1 = OFS(serial), .port_id1 = "serial", .opt_prefix = "ser", }, [CMD_PROCESSING_UNIT_ROUTING] = { .cmd = CMD_PROCESSING_UNIT_ROUTING, .type = PARSE_ROUTE, .ports1 = OFS(proc_units), .ports2 = OFS(inputs), .port_id1 = "proc unit", .port_id2 = "input", .opt_prefix = "pu", .allow_disconnect = true, }, [CMD_PROCESSING_UNIT_LOCKS] = { .cmd = CMD_PROCESSING_UNIT_LOCKS, .type = PARSE_LOCK, .ports1 = OFS(proc_units), .port_id1 = "proc unit", .opt_prefix = "pu", }, [CMD_FRAME_LABELS] = { .cmd = CMD_FRAME_LABELS, .type = PARSE_LABEL, .ports1 = OFS(frames), .port_id1 = "frame", .opt_prefix = "fr", }, [CMD_FRAME_BUFFER_ROUTING] = { .cmd = CMD_FRAME_BUFFER_ROUTING, .type = PARSE_ROUTE, .ports1 = OFS(frames), .ports2 = OFS(outputs), .port_id1 = "frame", .port_id2 = "output", .opt_prefix = "fr", .allow_disconnect = true, }, [CMD_FRAME_BUFFER_LOCKS] = { .cmd = CMD_FRAME_BUFFER_LOCKS, .type = PARSE_LOCK, .ports1 = OFS(frames), .port_id1 = "frame", .opt_prefix = "fr", }, [CMD_END_PRELUDE] = { .cmd = CMD_END_PRELUDE , .type = PARSE_NONE }, [CMD_PING] = { .cmd = CMD_PING , .type = PARSE_NONE }, [CMD_ACK] = { .cmd = CMD_ACK , .type = PARSE_NONE }, [CMD_NAK] = { .cmd = CMD_NAK , .type = PARSE_NONE }, }; static char *parse_text(char *line, char *cmd) { char *parsed_text = strstr(line, cmd); if (parsed_text == line) { return parsed_text + strlen(cmd); } return NULL; } bool parse_command(struct videohub_data *d, char *cmd) { unsigned int i; bool ret = true; if (!strlen(cmd)) return false; struct videohub_commands *v = NULL; const char *cmd_txt = NULL; for (i = 0; i < NUM_COMMANDS; i++) { const char *cmd_text = videohub_commands_text[i]; if (strstr(cmd, cmd_text) == cmd) { v = &videohub_commands[i]; cmd_txt = videohub_commands_text[i]; break; } } if (!v) { if (cmd[0] == '\n') // Do not report 'empty' commands return false; q("WARNING: Videohub sent unknown command!\n"); q(" Please report this command to author's email: georgi@unixsol.org\n"); q(" You may use -q or --quiet to suppress the message.\n"); q("---------8<-----------8<----------- cut here ---------8<------------8<---------\n"); q("%s\n", cmd); q("---------8<-----------8<----------- cut here ---------8<------------8<---------\n"); return false; } d("debug: Got '%s' command.\n", cmd_txt); if (debug > 1) d("----\n%s\n----\n", cmd); struct port_set *s_port = !v->ports1 ? NULL : (void *)d + v->ports1; struct port_set *d_port = !v->ports2 ? NULL : (void *)d + v->ports2; char *p, *cmd_data = xstrdup( cmd + strlen(cmd_txt) + 2 ); // +2 to compensate for :\n at the end of the command // Split line by line char *line, *saveptr = NULL; for(i = 0, line = strtok_r(cmd_data, "\n", &saveptr); line; line = strtok_r(NULL, "\n", &saveptr), i++) { // Parse command data response unsigned int port_num = 0; unsigned int dest_port_num = 0; char *port_data = NULL; if (v->type != PARSE_NONE && v->type != PARSE_CUSTOM) { port_data = strchr(line, ' '); if (!port_data) continue; port_data[0] = '\0'; // Separate port_num from port_data port_data++; port_num = strtoul(line, NULL, 10); if (port_num + 1 > s_port->num) { q("WARNING: %s: invalid %s port %u (valid 0..%u)\n", cmd_txt, v->port_id1, port_num, s_port->num - 1); continue; } } switch (v->type) { case PARSE_LABEL: snprintf(s_port->port[port_num].name, sizeof(s_port->port[port_num].name), "%s", port_data); break; case PARSE_STATUS: s_port->port[port_num].status = S_UNKNOWN; bool invalid_status = false; if (v->cmd == CMD_SERIAL_PORT_STATUS) { if (streq("RS422", port_data)) s_port->port[port_num].status = S_RS422; else if (streq("None", port_data)) s_port->port[port_num].status = S_NONE; else invalid_status = true; } else { if (streq("BNC", port_data)) s_port->port[port_num].status = S_BNC; else if (streq("Optical", port_data)) s_port->port[port_num].status = S_OPTICAL; else if (streq("None", port_data)) s_port->port[port_num].status = S_NONE; else if (streq("Thunderbolt", port_data)) s_port->port[port_num].status = S_THUNDERBOLT; else invalid_status = true; } if (invalid_status) { q("WARNING: %s command returned unknown status: '%s'\n", cmd_txt, port_data); q("Please report this line to author's email: georgi@unixsol.org\n"); } break; case PARSE_DIR: s_port->port[port_num].direction = DIR_AUTO; if (streq("control", port_data)) s_port->port[port_num].direction = DIR_CONTROL; else if (streq("slave", port_data)) s_port->port[port_num].direction = DIR_SLAVE; else if (streq("auto", port_data)) s_port->port[port_num].direction = DIR_AUTO; else { q("WARNING: %s command returned unknown direction: '%s'\n", cmd_txt, port_data); q("Please report this line to author's email: georgi@unixsol.org\n"); } break; case PARSE_ROUTE: dest_port_num = strtoul(port_data, NULL, 10); if (dest_port_num == NO_PORT) { if (v->allow_disconnect) { s_port->port[port_num].routed_to = dest_port_num; continue; } else { dest_port_num = port_num; } } if (dest_port_num + 1 > d_port->num) { q("WARNING: %s: invalid %s port %u (valid 0..%u)\n", cmd_txt, v->port_id2, dest_port_num, d_port->num - 1); continue; } s_port->port[port_num].routed_to = dest_port_num; break; case PARSE_LOCK: switch (port_data[0]) { case 'O': s_port->port[port_num].lock = PORT_LOCKED; break; case 'L': s_port->port[port_num].lock = PORT_LOCKED_OTHER; break; default : s_port->port[port_num].lock = PORT_UNLOCKED; break; } break; default: break; } // Parse custom commands switch (v->cmd) { case CMD_PROTOCOL_PREAMBLE: if ((p = parse_text(line, "Version: "))) snprintf(d->device.protocol_ver, sizeof(d->device.protocol_ver), "%s", p); break; case CMD_VIDEOHUB_DEVICE: if ((p = parse_text(line, "Device present: "))) { d->device.dev_present = streq(p, "true"); d->device.needs_fw_update = streq(p, "needs_update"); } else if ((p = parse_text(line, "Model name: "))) snprintf(d->device.model_name, sizeof(d->device.model_name), "%s", p); else if ((p = parse_text(line, "Friendly name: "))) snprintf(d->device.friendly_name, sizeof(d->device.friendly_name), "%s", p); else if ((p = parse_text(line, "Unique ID: "))) snprintf(d->device.unique_id, sizeof(d->device.unique_id) , "%s", p); else if ((p = parse_text(line, "Video inputs: "))) d->inputs.num = strtoul(p, NULL, 10); else if ((p = parse_text(line, "Video processing units: "))) d->proc_units.num = strtoul(p, NULL, 10); else if ((p = parse_text(line, "Video outputs: "))) d->outputs.num = strtoul(p, NULL, 10); else if ((p = parse_text(line, "Video monitoring outputs: "))) d->mon_outputs.num = strtoul(p, NULL, 10); else if ((p = parse_text(line, "Serial ports: "))) { d->serial.num = strtoul(p, NULL, 10); d->frames.num = d->serial.num; } else { q("WARNING: VIDEOHUB DEVICE command sent unknown line: '%s'\n", line); q("Please report this line to author's email: georgi@unixsol.org\n"); } break; case CMD_CONFIGURATION: if ((p = parse_text(line, "Take Mode: "))) { d->device.conf_take_mode = streq(p, "true"); } case CMD_NAK: ret = false; break; default: break; } } free(cmd_data); return ret; } int parse_text_buffer(struct videohub_data *d, char *_cmd_buffer) { int r, cmd_buffer_pos = 0, cmd_len = strlen(_cmd_buffer); char *cmd_buffer = xzalloc(cmd_len + 1); // Clean input char last_char = '\0'; for (r = 0; r < cmd_len; r++) { if (_cmd_buffer[r] == '\r') continue; // Remove windows style line endings if (last_char == '\n' && _cmd_buffer[r] == ' ') continue; // Trim leading white space from each line cmd_buffer[cmd_buffer_pos++] = _cmd_buffer[r]; last_char = _cmd_buffer[r]; } // The buffer contains only one command, no splitting is needed if (!strstr(cmd_buffer, "\n\n")) { bool ret = parse_command(d, cmd_buffer); free(cmd_buffer); return ret; } // Split commands and parse them one by one int ok_commands = 0; char *buf_copy = xstrdup(cmd_buffer); char *newcmd, *cmd = buf_copy; while(1) { newcmd = strstr(cmd, "\n\n"); // Find next command if (!newcmd) { if (parse_command(d, cmd)) // Parse current command ok_commands++; break; } newcmd[0] = '\0'; // Terminate previous command if (parse_command(d, cmd)) // Parse previous command ok_commands++; cmd = newcmd + 2; // Advance cmd to the next command } free(buf_copy); free(cmd_buffer); return ok_commands; } // Try to find port with certain name, return 0 on not found, pos + 1 is found static int get_port_by_name(struct port_set *p, char *name) { unsigned int i; for(i = 0; i < p->num; i++) { if (streq(name, p->port[i].name)) { return i + 1; } } return 0; } // Return 0 on error, number otherwise if it can parse the whole input static unsigned int my_atoi(char *txt) { char *endptr = NULL; if (!txt) return 0; unsigned int ret = strtoul(txt, &endptr, 10); if (endptr == txt || *endptr) return 0; return ret; } static void init_port_number(struct vcmd_param *p, struct port_set *port, const char *port_id) { p->port_no = my_atoi(p->param); if (!port) { die("impossible! port == NULL"); return; } if (p->port_no == 0 || p->port_no > port->num) { p->port_no = get_port_by_name(port, p->param); if (!p->port_no) die("Unknown %s port number/name: %s", port_id, p->param); } } void prepare_cmd_entry(struct videohub_data *d, struct vcmd_entry *e) { struct port_set *s_port = !e->cmd->ports1 ? NULL : (void *)d + e->cmd->ports1; struct port_set *d_port = !e->cmd->ports2 ? NULL : (void *)d + e->cmd->ports2; if (e->cmd->type == PARSE_CUSTOM) return; // All command types needs parsing of the "source port" init_port_number(&e->p1, s_port, e->cmd->port_id1); // ROUTE type needs parsing of the "destination port" if (e->cmd->type == PARSE_ROUTE) { init_port_number(&e->p2, d_port, e->cmd->port_id2); } // Allow port_noX to be used as index into ->port[] e->p1.port_no -= 1; e->p2.port_no -= 1; if (e->clear_port) e->p2.port_no = NO_PORT; if (e->cmd->type == PARSE_LOCK) { e->lock = s_port->port[e->p1.port_no].lock; } } static char *dir2cmd(enum serial_dir dir) { switch (dir) { case DIR_CONTROL: return "control"; case DIR_SLAVE : return "slave"; case DIR_AUTO : return "auto"; } return "auto"; } static char *dir2txt(enum serial_dir dir) { switch (dir) { case DIR_CONTROL: return "IN (Workstation)"; case DIR_SLAVE : return "OUT (Deck)"; case DIR_AUTO : return "AUTO"; } return "AUTO"; } void format_cmd_text(struct vcmd_entry *e, char *buf, unsigned int bufsz) { if (e->cmd->cmd == CMD_VIDEOHUB_DEVICE) { snprintf(buf, bufsz, "%s:\n%s: %s\n\n", videohub_commands_text[e->cmd->cmd], e->p1.param, e->p2.param); return; } switch (e->cmd->type) { case PARSE_LABEL: snprintf(buf, bufsz, "%s:\n%u %s\n\n", videohub_commands_text[e->cmd->cmd], e->p1.port_no, e->p2.param); break; case PARSE_LOCK: snprintf(buf, bufsz, "%s:\n%u %s\n\n", videohub_commands_text[e->cmd->cmd], e->p1.port_no, e->do_lock ? "O" : (e->lock == PORT_LOCKED_OTHER ? "F" : "U")); break; case PARSE_ROUTE: snprintf(buf, bufsz, "%s:\n%u %d\n\n", videohub_commands_text[e->cmd->cmd], e->p1.port_no, (e->p2.port_no == NO_PORT ? -1 : (int)e->p2.port_no)); break; case PARSE_DIR: snprintf(buf, bufsz, "%s:\n%u %s\n\n", videohub_commands_text[e->cmd->cmd], e->p1.port_no, dir2cmd(e->direction)); break; default: break; } } void show_cmd(struct videohub_data *d, struct vcmd_entry *e) { struct port_set *s_port = !e->cmd->ports1 ? NULL : (void *)d + e->cmd->ports1; struct port_set *d_port = !e->cmd->ports2 ? NULL : (void *)d + e->cmd->ports2; const char *prefix = "videohub: "; if (e->cmd->cmd == CMD_VIDEOHUB_DEVICE) { printf("%sset device \"%s\" to \"%s\"\n", prefix, e->p1.param, e->p2.param ); return; } switch (e->cmd->type) { case PARSE_LABEL: printf("%srename %s %d \"%s\" to \"%s\"\n", prefix, e->cmd->port_id1, e->p1.port_no + 1, s_port->port[e->p1.port_no].name, e->p2.param ); break; case PARSE_LOCK: printf("%s%s %s %d \"%s\"\n", prefix, e->do_lock ? "lock" : (e->lock == PORT_LOCKED_OTHER ? "force unlock" : "unlock"), e->cmd->port_id1, e->p1.port_no + 1, s_port->port[e->p1.port_no].name ); break; case PARSE_ROUTE: if (e->p2.port_no == NO_PORT) { printf("%sdisconnect %s %d \"%s\"\n", prefix, e->cmd->port_id1, e->p1.port_no + 1, s_port->port[e->p1.port_no].name ); break; } if (e->cmd->allow_disconnect) { printf("%sconnect %s %d \"%s\" to %s %d \"%s\"\n", prefix, e->cmd->port_id1, e->p1.port_no + 1, s_port->port[e->p1.port_no].name, e->cmd->port_id2, e->p2.port_no + 1, d_port->port [e->p2.port_no].name ); break; } if (e->reversed_args) { printf("%sset %s %d \"%s\" to go out of %s %d \"%s\"\n", prefix, e->cmd->port_id2, e->p2.port_no + 1, d_port->port[e->p2.port_no].name, e->cmd->port_id1, e->p1.port_no + 1, s_port->port [e->p1.port_no].name ); break; } printf("%sset %s %d \"%s\" to read from %s %d \"%s\"\n", prefix, e->cmd->port_id1, e->p1.port_no + 1, s_port->port[e->p1.port_no].name, e->cmd->port_id2, e->p2.port_no + 1, d_port->port [e->p2.port_no].name ); break; case PARSE_DIR: printf("%sset %s %d \"%s\" direction to %s\n", prefix, e->cmd->port_id1, e->p1.port_no + 1, s_port->port[e->p1.port_no].name, dir2txt(e->direction) ); break; default: break; } }