#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "data.h" #include "util.h" #include "camd.h" #include "process.h" #include "udp.h" static void LOG_func(const char *msg) { char date[64]; struct tm tm; time_t now; now = time(NULL); localtime_r(&now, &tm); strftime(date, sizeof(date), "%F %H:%M:%S", localtime(&now)); fprintf(stderr, "%s | %s", date, msg); } static void show_help(struct ts *ts) { printf("tsdecrypt v1.0\n"); printf("Copyright (c) 2011 Unix Solutions Ltd.\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" Usage: tsdecrypt [opts]\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" Input options:\n"); printf(" -I input | Where to read from. Supports files and multicast\n"); printf(" | -I (multicast receive)\n"); printf(" | -I file.ts (read from file)\n"); printf(" | -I - (read from STDIN, the default)\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" -c ca_system | default: %s valid: IRDETO, CONNAX, CRYPTOWORKS\n", ts_get_CA_sys_txt(ts->req_CA_sys)); printf("\n"); printf(" Output options:\n"); printf(" -O output | Where to send output. Supports files and multicast\n"); printf(" | -O (multicast send)\n"); printf(" | -O file.ts (write to file)\n"); printf(" | -O - (write to STDOUT, the default)\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" -i output_intf | default: %s\n", inet_ntoa(ts->output.intf)); printf(" -t output_ttl | default: %d\n", ts->output.ttl); printf("\n"); printf(" CAMD35 server options:\n"); printf(" -s server_addr | default: disabled (format\n"); printf(" -U server_user | default: %s\n", ts->camd35.user); printf(" -P server_pass | default: %s\n", ts->camd35.pass); printf("\n"); printf(" Filtering options:\n"); printf(" -e | EMM send (default: %s).\n", ts->emm_send ? "enabled" : "disabled"); printf(" | - Send EMMs to CAMD server for processing.\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" -p | Output PID filter (default: %s).\n", ts->pid_filter ? "enabled" : "disabled"); printf(" | - When PID filter is enabled only PAT/PMT/SDT/data\n"); printf(" | - packets are left in the output.\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" -D debug_level | Message debug level.\n"); printf(" | 0 - default messages\n"); printf(" | 1 - show PSI tables\n"); printf(" | 2 - show EMMs\n"); printf(" | 3 - show duplicate ECMs\n"); printf(" | 4 - packet debug\n"); printf("\n"); } static int parse_io_param(struct io *io, char *opt, int open_flags, mode_t open_mode) { io->type = WTF_IO; char *p = strrchr(opt, ':'); if (!p) { io->type = FILE_IO; if (strcmp(opt, "-") != 0) { io->fd = open(opt, open_flags, open_mode); if (io->fd < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Can not open file (%s): %s\n", opt, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } } io->fname = strdup(opt); return 0; } *p = 0x00; io->type = NET_IO; io->port = atoi(p + 1); if (inet_aton(opt, &io->addr) == 0) return 1; return 0; } static void parse_options(struct ts *ts, int argc, char **argv) { int j, ca_err = 0, server_err = 1, input_addr_err = 0, output_addr_err = 0, output_intf_err = 0; while ((j = getopt(argc, argv, "cFs:I:O:i:t:U:P:epD:h")) != -1) { char *p = NULL; switch (j) { case 'c': if (strcasecmp("IRDETO", optarg) == 0) ts->req_CA_sys = CA_IRDETO; else if (strcasecmp("CONNAX", optarg) == 0) ts->req_CA_sys = CA_CONNAX; else if (strcasecmp("CRYPTOWORKS", optarg) == 0) ts->req_CA_sys = CA_CRYPTOWORKS; else ca_err = 1; break; case 's': p = strrchr(optarg, ':'); if (p) { *p = 0x00; ts->camd35.server_port = atoi(p + 1); } if (inet_aton(optarg, &ts->camd35.server_addr) == 0) server_err = 1; else server_err = 0; break; case 'I': input_addr_err = parse_io_param(&ts->input, optarg, O_RDONLY, 0); break; case 'O': output_addr_err = parse_io_param(&ts->output, optarg, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH); break; case 'i': if (inet_aton(optarg, &ts->output.intf) == 0) output_intf_err = 1; break; case 't': ts->output.ttl = atoi(optarg); break; case 'U': strncpy(ts->camd35.user, optarg, sizeof(ts->camd35.user) - 1); ts->camd35.user[sizeof(ts->camd35.user) - 1] = 0; break; case 'P': strncpy(ts->camd35.pass, optarg, sizeof(ts->camd35.pass) - 1); ts->camd35.pass[sizeof(ts->camd35.pass) - 1] = 0; break; case 'e': ts->emm_send = !ts->emm_send; break; case 'p': ts->pid_filter = !ts->pid_filter; break; case 'D': ts->debug_level = atoi(optarg); break; case 'h': show_help(ts); exit(0); } } if (ca_err || server_err || input_addr_err || output_addr_err || ts->input.type == WTF_IO || ts->output.type == WTF_IO) { show_help(ts); if (ca_err) fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Requested CA system is unsupported.\n"); if (server_err) fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Server IP address is not set or it is invalid.\n"); if (input_addr_err) fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Input IP address is invalid.\n"); if (output_addr_err) fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Output IP address is invalid.\n"); if (output_intf_err) fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Output interface address is invalid.\n"); exit(1); } ts_LOGf("CA System : %s\n", ts_get_CA_sys_txt(ts->req_CA_sys)); if (ts->input.type == NET_IO) { ts_LOGf("Input addr : udp://%s:%u/\n", inet_ntoa(ts->input.addr), ts->input.port); } else if (ts->input.type == FILE_IO) { ts_LOGf("Input file : %s\n", ts->input.fd == 0 ? "STDIN" : ts->input.fname); } if (ts->output.type == NET_IO) { ts_LOGf("Output addr: udp://%s:%u/\n", inet_ntoa(ts->output.addr), ts->output.port); ts_LOGf("Output intf: %s\n", inet_ntoa(ts->output.intf)); ts_LOGf("Output ttl : %d\n", ts->output.ttl); } else if (ts->output.type == FILE_IO) { ts_LOGf("Output file: %s\n", ts->output.fd == 1 ? "STDOUT" : ts->output.fname); } ts_LOGf("Server addr: tcp://%s:%u/\n", inet_ntoa(ts->camd35.server_addr), ts->camd35.server_port); ts_LOGf("Server user: %s\n", ts->camd35.user); ts_LOGf("Server pass: %s\n", ts->camd35.pass); ts_LOGf("EMM send : %s\n", ts->emm_send ? "enabled" : "disabled"); ts_LOGf("PID filter : %s\n", ts->pid_filter ? "enabled" : "disabled"); ts->threaded = !(ts->input.type == FILE_IO && ts->input.fd != 0); ts_LOGf("Decoding : %s\n", ts->threaded ? "threaded" : "single thread"); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { ssize_t readen; uint8_t ts_packet[FRAME_SIZE]; struct ts ts; ts_set_log_func(LOG_func); data_init(&ts); parse_options(&ts, argc, argv); if (ts.input.type == NET_IO && udp_connect_input(&ts.input) < 1) goto EXIT; if (ts.output.type == NET_IO && udp_connect_output(&ts.output) < 1) goto EXIT; if (&ts.threaded) { pthread_create(&ts.decode_thread, NULL, &decode_thread, &ts); pthread_create(&ts.write_thread, NULL , &write_thread , &ts); } camd_start(&ts); do { readen = read(ts.input.fd, ts_packet, FRAME_SIZE); if (readen > 0) process_packets(&ts, ts_packet, readen); } while (readen > 0); EXIT: camd_stop(&ts); if (ts.threaded) { ts.decode_stop = 1; ts.write_stop = 1; pthread_join(ts.decode_thread, NULL); pthread_join(ts.write_thread, NULL); } data_free(&ts); exit(0); }