tsdecrypt ========= tsdecrypt reads incoming mpeg transport stream over UDP/RTP and then decrypts it using libdvbcsa and keys obtained from OSCAM or similar cam server. tsdecrypt communicates with CAM server using camd35 over tcp protocol also known as cs378x. License ======= tsdecrypt is released under GNU GPL v2. Installation ============ tsdecrypt depends on two external libraries - openssl and libdvbcsa. You probably already have openssl installed, libdvbcsa can be downloaded from http://www.videolan.org/developers/libdvbcsa.html Documentation ============= tsdecrypt is controlled using command line parameters. For more information about the parameters see the man page. Daemon options: -i --ident | Format PROVIDER/CHANNEL. Default: empty -d --daemon | Daemonize program and write pid file. -N --notify-program | Execute to report events. Default: empty -l --syslog-host | Syslog server address. Default: disabled -L --syslog-port | Syslog server port. Default: 514 Input options: -I --input | Where to read from. File or multicast address. . -I (multicast receive) . -I file.ts (read from file) . -I - (read from stdin) (default) -R --input-rtp | Enable RTP input -z --input-ignore-disc | Do not report discontinuty errors in input. Output options: -O --output | Where to send output. File or multicast address. . -O (multicast send) . -O file.ts (write to file) . -O - (write to stdout) (default) -o --output-intf | Set multicast output interface. Default: -t --output-ttl | Set multicast ttl. Default: 1 -p --output-filter | Enable or disable output filter. Default: enabled CA options: -c --ca-system | Process input EMM/ECM from . | Valid systems are: CONAX (default), CRYPTOWORKS, . IRDETO, SECA (MEDIAGUARD), VIACCESS, . VIDEOGUARD (NDS), NAGRA and DRECRYPT. -C --caid | Set CAID. Default: Taken from --ca-system. CAMD server options: -s --camd-server | Set CAMD server ip address and port ( -U --camd-user | Set CAMD server user. Default: user -P --camd-pass | Set CAMD server password. Default: pass -y --camd-pkt-delay | Sleep usec between sending ECM/EMM . packets to CAMD. Default: 0 EMM options: -e --emm | Enable sending EMM's to CAMD. Default: disabled -E --emm-only | Send only EMMs to CAMD, skipping ECMs and without . decoding the input stream. -Z --emm-pid | Force EMM pid. Default: none -f --emm-report-time | Report each seconds how much EMMs have been . received/processed. Set to 0 to disable . the reports. Default: 60 sec ECM options: -X --ecm-pid | Force ECM pid. Default: none -H --ecm-report-time | Report each how much ECMs and CWs have been . processed/skipped. Set to 0 to disable . the reports. Default: 60 sec -G --ecm-irdeto-type | Process IRDETO ECMs with type X /0..3/. Default: 0 -K --ecm-no-log | Disable ECM and code words logging. -J --cw-warn-time | Warn if no valid code word has been received. . Set to 0 to disable. Default: 20 sec Misc options: -D --debug | Message debug level. . 0 = default messages . 1 = show PSI tables . 2 = show EMMs . 3 = show duplicate ECMs . 4 = packet debug . 5 = packet debug + packet dump -h --help | Show help screen. -V --version | Show program version. Development =========== The development is done using git. tsdecrypt repository is hosted at http://github.com/gfto/tsdecrypt To clone the repository issue the following commands: git clone git://github.com/gfto/tsdecrypt.git git submodule init git submodule update make The code is developed and tested under modern Linux. It is also compiled from time to time under OS X but is not tested there. Updating the code ================= To update cloned tsdecrypt, go to the directory where the repository is cloned and run the following commands: git fetch origin git merge origin/master git submodule update make distclean all Examples ======== To get a quick start here are some example command lines. The default CA system is set to CONAX, you can change it using --ca-system parameter, see man page or program help for more options. Examples: # Decrypt multicast stream from using # as camd server and output decrypted result to tsdecrypt --camd-server \ --input --output # Same as above but enable EMM processing tsdecrypt --emm --camd-server \ --input --output # Same as above but do not filter output stream thus allowing # EIT/TOT/NIT, etc tables to passthrough tsdecrypt --output-filter --emm -camd-server \ --input --output # Read stream over RTP and process VIACCESS encoded channel tsdecrypt --ca-system VIACCESS --emm --camd-server \ --input-rtp --input --output OSCAM configuration =================== In order for tsdecrypt to communicate with OSCAM, OSCAM must have user added in oscam.user file and cs378x protocol must be enabled. Example oscam.user file: [account] user = user pwd = pass group = 1 au = 1 uniq = 0 monlevel = 4 Example part of oscam.conf file: [cs378x] port = 2233 Releases ======== Official releases can be downloaded from tsdecrypt home page which is http://georgi.unixsol.org/programs/tsdecrypt/ Contact ======= For patches, bug reports, complaints and so on send e-mail to Georgi Chorbadzhiyski