/* * cs378x protocol * Copyright (C) 2011 Unix Solutions Ltd. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License (COPYING file) for more details. * */ #include #include #include #include "libfuncs/libfuncs.h" #include "data.h" #include "util.h" #include "camd.h" static int cs378x_connect(struct camd *c) { if (c->server_fd < 0) c->server_fd = connect_client(SOCK_STREAM, c->hostname, c->service); return c->server_fd; } static void cs378x_disconnect(struct camd *c) { shutdown_fd(&c->server_fd); } static int cs378x_reconnect(struct camd *c) { cs378x_disconnect(c); return cs378x_connect(c); } static int cs378x_recv(struct camd *c, uint8_t *data, int *data_len) { int i; // Read AUTH token ssize_t r = fdread(c->server_fd, (char *)data, 4); if (r < 4) return -1; uint32_t auth_token = (((data[0] << 24) | (data[1] << 16) | (data[2]<<8) | data[3]) & 0xffffffffL); if (auth_token != c->cs378x.auth_token) { ts_LOGf("ERR | [%s] recv auth 0x%08x != camd_auth 0x%08x\n", c->ops.ident, auth_token, c->cs378x.auth_token); } *data_len = CAMD35_DATA_SIZE; for (i = 0; i < *data_len; i += 16) { // Read and decrypt payload fdread(c->server_fd, (char *)data + i, 16); AES_decrypt(data + i, data + i, &c->cs378x.aes_decrypt_key); if (i == 0) *data_len = boundary(4, data[1] + 20); // Initialize real data length } return *data_len; } static int cs378x_send_buf(struct camd *c, int data_len) { int i; unsigned char dump[16]; if (cs378x_connect(c) < 0) return -1; // Prepare auth token (only once) if (!c->cs378x.auth_token) { c->cs378x.auth_token = crc32(0L, MD5((unsigned char *)c->user, strlen(c->user), dump), 16); MD5((unsigned char *)c->pass, strlen(c->pass), dump); AES_set_encrypt_key(dump, 128, &c->cs378x.aes_encrypt_key); AES_set_decrypt_key(dump, 128, &c->cs378x.aes_decrypt_key); } uint8_t *bdata = c->cs378x.buf + 4; // Leave space for auth token memmove(bdata, c->cs378x.buf, data_len); // Move data init_4b(c->cs378x.auth_token, c->cs378x.buf); // Put authentication token for (i = 0; i < data_len; i += 16) // Encrypt payload AES_encrypt(bdata + i, bdata + i, &c->cs378x.aes_encrypt_key); return fdwrite(c->server_fd, (char *)c->cs378x.buf, data_len + 4); } static void cs378x_buf_init(struct camd *c, uint8_t *data, int data_len) { memset(c->cs378x.buf, 0, CAMD35_HDR_LEN); // Reset header memset(c->cs378x.buf + CAMD35_HDR_LEN, 0xff, CAMD35_BUF_LEN - CAMD35_HDR_LEN); // Reset data c->cs378x.buf[1] = data_len; // Data length init_4b(crc32(0L, data, data_len), c->cs378x.buf + 4); // Data CRC is at buf[4] memcpy(c->cs378x.buf + CAMD35_HDR_LEN, data, data_len); // Copy data to buf } static int cs378x_do_ecm(struct camd *c, struct camd_msg *msg) { if (msg->data_len > CAMD35_DATA_SIZE) { ts_LOGf("ERR | [%s] Data too long.\n", c->ops.ident); return 0; // false } int to_send = boundary(4, CAMD35_HDR_LEN + msg->data_len); cs378x_buf_init(c, msg->data, msg->data_len); c->cs378x.msg_id++; c->cs378x.buf[0] = 0x00; // CMD ECM request init_2b(msg->service_id , c->cs378x.buf + 8); init_2b(msg->ca_id , c->cs378x.buf + 10); init_4b(0 , c->cs378x.buf + 12); // Provider ID init_2b(c->cs378x.msg_id, c->cs378x.buf + 16); init_2b(msg->ts->ecm_pid, c->cs378x.buf + 18); return cs378x_send_buf(c, to_send); } static int cs378x_do_emm(struct camd *c, struct camd_msg *msg) { int to_send = boundary(4, CAMD35_HDR_LEN + msg->data_len); cs378x_buf_init(c, msg->data, (int)msg->data_len); c->cs378x.buf[0] = 0x06; // CMD incomming EMM init_2b(msg->ca_id , c->cs378x.buf + 10); init_4b(0 , c->cs378x.buf + 12); // Provider ID return cs378x_send_buf(c, to_send); } static int cs378x_get_cw(struct camd *c, uint16_t *ca_id, uint16_t *idx, uint8_t *cw) { uint8_t *data = c->cs378x.buf; int data_len = 0; int ret = 0; READ: ret = cs378x_recv(c, data, &data_len); if (ret < 0) // Fatal error return -1; // EMM request, ignore it. Sometimes OSCAM sends two EMM requests after CW if (data[0] == 0x05) goto READ; if (data[0] != 0x01) { ts_LOGf("ERR | [%s] Unexpected server response on code word request (ret data[0] == 0x%02x /%s/)\n", c->ops.ident, data[0], data[0] == 0x08 ? "No card" : data[0] == 0x44 ? "No code word found" : "Unknown err"); return 0; } if (data_len < 48) { ts_LOGf("ERR | [%s] Code word packet len != 48 (%d)\n", c->ops.ident, data_len); return 0; } if (data[1] < 0x10) { ts_LOGf("ERR | [%s] Code word len != 16 (%d)\n", c->ops.ident, data[1]); return 0; } *ca_id = (data[10] << 8) | data[11]; *idx = (data[16] << 8) | data[17]; memcpy(cw, data + 20, 16); return 1; } void camd_proto_cs378x(struct camd_ops *ops) { ops->ident = "cs378x"; ops->proto = CAMD_CS378X; ops->connect = cs378x_connect; ops->disconnect = cs378x_disconnect; ops->reconnect = cs378x_reconnect; ops->do_emm = cs378x_do_emm; ops->do_ecm = cs378x_do_ecm; ops->get_cw = cs378x_get_cw; }