/* * mptsd configuration * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Unix Solutions Ltd. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // for uint32_t #include "libfuncs/log.h" #include "libfuncs/list.h" #include "libfuncs/server.h" #include "libtsfuncs/tsfuncs.h" #include "data.h" #include "sleep.h" #include "config.h" #include "inidict.h" #include "iniparser.h" extern char *server_sig; extern char *server_ver; extern char *copyright; int is_valid_url(char *url) { regex_t re; regmatch_t res[5]; int ret; regcomp(&re, "^([a-z]+)://([^:/?]+):?([0-9]*)/?(.*)", REG_EXTENDED); ret = regexec(&re,url,5,res,0); regfree(&re); return ret == 0; } CONFIG *config_alloc() { CONFIG *conf = calloc(1, sizeof(CONFIG)); conf->inputs = list_new("input"); conf->nit = list_new("nit"); conf->output = output_new(); return conf; } void config_free(CONFIG **pconf) { CONFIG *conf = *pconf; if (conf) { conf->output->dienow = 1; list_free(&conf->nit, NULL, (void (*)(void **))nit_free); list_free(&conf->inputs, NULL, (void (*)(void **))input_free); list_free(&conf->channels, NULL, (void (*)(void **))channel_free); output_free(&conf->output); FREE(conf->ident); FREE(conf->pidfile); FREE(conf->server_addr); FREE(conf->loghost); FREE(conf->logident); FREE(conf->global_conf); FREE(conf->channels_conf); FREE(conf->nit_conf); FREE(conf->epg_conf); FREE(conf->network_name); FREE(conf->provider_name); FREE(*pconf); } } int config_load_channels(CONFIG *conf) { int num_channels = 0, i, j; LOGf("CONFIG: Loading channels config %s\n", conf->channels_conf); dictionary *ini = iniparser_load(conf->channels_conf); if (!ini) { LOGf("CONFIG: Error loading channels config (%s)\n", conf->channels_conf); return 0; } //iniparser_dump(ini, stdout); LIST *channels = list_new("channels"); // Parse channels file conf->provider_name = ini_get_string_copy(ini, NULL, "Global:provider_name"); conf->transport_stream_id = ini_get_int(ini, 0, "Global:transport_stream_id"); conf->frequency = ini_get_string_copy(ini, NULL, "Global:frequency"); conf->modulation = ini_get_string_copy(ini, NULL, "Global:modulation"); conf->symbol_rate = ini_get_string_copy(ini, NULL, "Global:symbol_rate"); // conf->epg_source = ini_get_string(ini, NULL, "EPG:source"); for (i=1;i<32;i++) { CHANNEL *channel = NULL; int service_id = ini_get_int(ini, 0, "Channel%d:service_id", i); if (!service_id) continue; int is_radio = ini_get_bool(ini, 0, "Channel%d:radio", i); int lcn = ini_get_int(ini, 0, "Channel%d:lcn", i); int is_lcn_visible = ini_get_bool(ini, 0, "Channel%d:lcn_visible", i); char *id = ini_get_string(ini, NULL, "Channel%d:id", i); if (!id) { LOGf("CONFIG: Channel%d have no defined id\n", i); continue; } char *name = ini_get_string(ini, NULL, "Channel%d:name", i); if (!name) { LOGf("CONFIG: Channel%d have no defined name\n", i); continue; } for (j=1;j<8;j++) { char *source = ini_get_string(ini, NULL, "Channel%d:source%d", i, j); if (j == 1 && !source) { source = ini_get_string(ini, NULL, "Channel%d:source", i); } if (source) { if (!is_valid_url(source)) { LOGf("CONFIG: Invalid url: %s\n", source); continue; } // Init channel if (channel == NULL) { channel = channel_new(service_id, is_radio, id, name, source, lcn, is_lcn_visible); } else { chansrc_add(channel, source); } } } char *worktime = ini_get_string(ini, NULL, "Channel%d:worktime", i); int sh=0,sm=0,eh=0,em=0; if (worktime && sscanf(worktime, "%02d:%02d-%02d:%02d", &sh, &sm, &eh, &em) == 4) { channel->worktime_start = sh * 3600 + sm * 60; channel->worktime_end = eh * 3600 + em * 60; } // Channel is initialized, add it to channels list if (channel) { num_channels++; list_add(channels, channel); } } // iniparser_dump(ini, stderr); iniparser_freedict(&ini); // Check for channel changes struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); unsigned int randstate = tv.tv_usec; int cookie = rand_r(&randstate); /* Save current channels config */ LIST *old_channels = conf->channels; /* Switch new channels config */ conf->channels = channels; /* Rewrite restreamer channels */ LNODE *lc, *lr, *lctmp, *lrtmp; CHANNEL *chan; list_lock(conf->inputs); // Unlocked after second list_for_each(restreamer) list_lock(conf->channels); list_for_each(conf->channels, lc, lctmp) { chan = lc->data; list_for_each(conf->inputs, lr, lrtmp) { if (strcmp(chan->name, ((INPUT *)lr->data)->name)==0) { INPUT *restr = lr->data; /* Mark the restreamer as valid */ restr->cookie = cookie; /* Check if current source exists in new channel configuration */ int src_found = -1; char *old_source = restr->channel->source; for (i=0; inum_src; i++) { if (strcmp(old_source, chan->sources[i]) == 0) { src_found = i; } } if (src_found > -1) { /* New configuration contains existing source, just update the reference */ chansrc_set(chan, src_found); restr->channel = chan; } else { /* New configuration *DO NOT* contain existing source. Force reconnect */ LOGf("INPUT: Source changed | Channel: %s srv_fd: %d Old:%s New:%s\n", chan->name, restr->sock, restr->channel->source, chan->source); /* The order is important! */ chansrc_set(chan, chan->num_src-1); /* Set source to last one. On reconnect next source will be used. */ restr->channel = chan; restr->reconnect = 1; } break; } } } list_unlock(conf->channels); /* Kill restreamers that serve channels that no longer exist */ list_for_each(conf->inputs, lr, lrtmp) { INPUT *r = lr->data; /* This restreamer should no longer serve clients */ if (r->cookie != cookie) { proxy_log(r, "Remove"); /* Replace channel reference with real object and instruct free_restreamer to free it */ r->channel = channel_new(r->channel->service_id, r->channel->radio, r->channel->id, r->channel->name, r->channel->source, r->channel->lcn, r->channel->lcn_visible); r->freechannel = 1; r->dienow = 1; } } list_unlock(conf->inputs); /* Free old_channels */ list_free(&old_channels, NULL, (void (*)(void **))channel_free); LOGf("CONFIG: %d channels loaded\n", num_channels); return num_channels; } int config_load_global(CONFIG *conf) { LOGf("CONFIG: Loading global config %s\n", conf->global_conf); dictionary *ini = iniparser_load(conf->global_conf); if (!ini) { LOGf("CONFIG: Error loading global config (%s)\n", conf->global_conf); return 0; } conf->network_id = ini_get_int(ini, 0, "Global:network_id"); conf->timeouts.pat = ini_get_int(ini, 100, "Timeouts:pat"); conf->timeouts.pmt = ini_get_int(ini, 200, "Timeouts:pmt"); conf->timeouts.sdt = ini_get_int(ini, 500, "Timeouts:sdt"); conf->timeouts.nit = ini_get_int(ini, 2000, "Timeouts:nit"); conf->timeouts.eit = ini_get_int(ini, 1000, "Timeouts:eit"); conf->timeouts.tdt = ini_get_int(ini, 7500, "Timeouts:tdt"); conf->timeouts.tot = ini_get_int(ini, 1500, "Timeouts:tot"); conf->timeouts.stats = ini_get_int(ini, 0, "Timeouts:stats"); //iniparser_dump(ini, stderr); iniparser_freedict(&ini); return 1; } int config_load_nit(CONFIG *conf) { LOGf("CONFIG: Loading nit config %s\n", conf->nit_conf); dictionary *ini = iniparser_load(conf->nit_conf); if (!ini) { LOGf("CONFIG: Error loading nit config (%s)\n", conf->nit_conf); return 0; } conf->network_name = ini_get_string_copy(ini, NULL, "Global:network_name"); int i; for (i=1;i<32;i++) { uint16_t ts_id = ini_get_int (ini, 0, "Transponder%d:transport_stream_id", i); char *freq = ini_get_string(ini, NULL, "Transponder%d:frequency", i); char *mod = ini_get_string(ini, NULL, "Transponder%d:modulation", i); char *sr = ini_get_string(ini, NULL, "Transponder%d:symbol_rate", i); if (ts_id && freq && mod && sr) { if (strlen(freq) == 9 && strlen(sr) == 8) { list_add(conf->nit, nit_new(ts_id, freq, mod, sr)); } } } //iniparser_dump(ini, stderr); iniparser_freedict(&ini); return 1; } static void config_reset_channels_epg(CONFIG *conf) { LNODE *lc, *lctmp; list_lock(conf->channels); list_for_each(conf->channels, lc, lctmp) { CHANNEL *c = lc->data; channel_free_epg(c); } list_unlock(conf->channels); conf->epg_conf_mtime = 0; } static EPG_ENTRY *config_load_epg_entry(dictionary *ini, char *entry, char *channel) { EPG_ENTRY *e = NULL; time_t start = ini_get_int(ini, 0, "%s-%s:start", channel, entry); int duration = ini_get_int(ini, 0, "%s-%s:duration", channel, entry); char *event = ini_get_string(ini, NULL, "%s-%s:event", channel, entry); char *sdesc = ini_get_string(ini, NULL, "%s-%s:sdescr", channel, entry); char *ldesc = ini_get_string(ini, NULL, "%s-%s:descr", channel, entry); char *enc = ini_get_string(ini, NULL, "%s-%s:encoding", channel, entry); if (start && duration && event) { e = epg_new(start, duration, enc, event, sdesc, ldesc); } return e; } static void config_channel_init_epg(CONFIG *conf, CHANNEL *c, EPG_ENTRY *now, EPG_ENTRY *next) { int updated = 0; if (epg_changed(now, c->epg_now)) { LOGf("EPG : %s | Now data changed\n", c->id); updated++; } if (epg_changed(next, c->epg_next)) { LOGf("EPG : %s | Next data changed\n", c->id); updated++; } if (!updated) return; // LOGf("EPG : %s | Version %d\n", c->epg_version); c->epg_version++; struct ts_eit *eit_now = ts_eit_alloc_init_pf(c->service_id, conf->transport_stream_id, conf->network_id, 0, 1); eit_now->section_header->version_number = c->epg_version; if (now) { ts_eit_add_short_event_descriptor(eit_now, now->event_id, 1, now->start, now->duration, now->event, now->short_desc); ts_eit_add_extended_event_descriptor(eit_now, now->event_id, 1, now->start, now->duration, now->long_desc); } ts_eit_regenerate_packets(eit_now); struct ts_eit *eit_next = ts_eit_alloc_init_pf(c->service_id, conf->transport_stream_id, conf->network_id, 1, 1); eit_next->section_header->version_number = c->epg_version; if (next) { ts_eit_add_short_event_descriptor(eit_next, next->event_id, 1, next->start, next->duration, next->event, next->short_desc); ts_eit_add_extended_event_descriptor(eit_next, next->event_id, 1, next->start, next->duration, next->long_desc); } ts_eit_regenerate_packets(eit_next); channel_free_epg(c); c->epg_now = now; c->epg_next = next; if (now || next) { c->eit_now = eit_now; c->eit_next = eit_next; //LOGf(" ***** NOW ******\n"); //ts_eit_dump(eit_now); //LOGf(" ***** NEXT *****\n"); //ts_eit_dump(eit_next); } else { ts_eit_free(&eit_now); ts_eit_free(&eit_next); } } int config_load_epg(CONFIG *conf) { struct stat st; if (stat(conf->epg_conf, &st) == 0) { if (st.st_mtime > conf->epg_conf_mtime) { // Set config last change time conf->epg_conf_mtime = st.st_mtime; } else { // LOGf("CONFIG: EPG config not changed since last check.\n"); return 0; // The config has not changed! } } else { // Config file not found! LOGf("CONFIG: EPG config file is not found (%s)\n", conf->epg_conf); config_reset_channels_epg(conf); return 0; } // LOGf("CONFIG: Loading EPG config %s\n", conf->epg_conf); dictionary *ini = iniparser_load(conf->epg_conf); if (!ini) { LOGf("CONFIG: Error parsing EPG config (%s)\n", conf->epg_conf); config_reset_channels_epg(conf); return 0; } LNODE *lc, *lctmp; list_lock(conf->channels); list_for_each(conf->channels, lc, lctmp) { CHANNEL *c = lc->data; EPG_ENTRY *enow = config_load_epg_entry(ini, "now", c->id); EPG_ENTRY *enext = config_load_epg_entry(ini, "next", c->id); config_channel_init_epg(conf, c, enow, enext); } list_unlock(conf->channels); //iniparser_dump(ini, stderr); iniparser_freedict(&ini); return 1; } extern char *program_id; static void show_usage() { printf("%s\n", program_id); puts(copyright); puts(""); puts("Identification:"); puts("\t-i ident\tServer ident. (default: ux/mptsd)"); puts(""); puts("Server settings:"); puts("\t-b addr\t\tLocal IP address to bind. (default:"); puts("\t-p port\t\tPort to listen. (default: 0)"); puts("UDP Server settings:"); puts("\t-s addr\t\tLocal IP address to bind. (default:"); puts("\t-u port\t\tPort to listen. (default: 2000)"); puts("\t-d pidfile\tDaemonize with pidfile"); puts("\t-l host\t\tSyslog host (default: disabled)"); puts("\t-L port\t\tSyslog port (default: 514)"); puts(""); puts("Configuration files:"); puts("\t-g file\t\tGlobal configuration file (default: mptsd.conf)"); puts("\t-c file\t\tChannels configuration file (default: mptsd_channels.conf)"); puts("\t-e file\t\tEPG configuration file (default: mptsd_epg.conf)"); puts("\t-n file\t\tNIT configuration file (default: mptsd_nit.conf)"); puts(""); puts("Output settings:"); puts("\t-O ip\t\tOutput udp address"); puts("\t-P ip\t\tOutput udp port (default: 5000)"); puts("\t-o ip\t\tOutput interface address (default:"); puts("\t-t ttl\t\tSet multicast ttl (default: 1)"); puts(""); puts("\t-B Mbps\t\tOutput bitrate in Mbps (default: 38.00)"); puts("\t-m mode\t\tPCR mode (modes list bellow)"); puts("\t\t\t- Mode 0: do not touch PCRs (default)"); puts("\t\t\t- Mode 1: move PCRs to their calculated place"); puts("\t\t\t- Mode 2: rewrite PCRs using output bitrate"); puts("\t\t\t- Mode 3: move PCRs and rewrite them"); puts(""); puts("Other settings:"); puts("\t-q\t\tQuiet"); puts("\t-D\t\tDebug"); puts(""); puts("\t-W\t\tWrite output file"); puts("\t-E\t\tWrite input file"); puts(""); } void config_load(CONFIG *conf, int argc, char **argv) { int j, ttl; conf->multicast_ttl = 1; conf->output->out_port = 5000; conf->output_bitrate = 38; conf->logport = 514; conf->server_port = 0; conf->server_socket = -1; conf->udp_server_port = 2000; conf->udp_server_socket = -1; while ((j = getopt(argc, argv, "i:b:p:s:u:g:c:n:e:d:t:o:O:P:l:L:B:m:qDHhWE")) != -1) { switch (j) { case 'i': conf->ident = strdup(optarg); conf->logident = strdup(optarg); char *c = conf->logident; while (*c) { if (*c=='/') *c='-'; c++; } break; case 'b': conf->server_addr = strdup(optarg); break; case 'p': conf->server_port = atoi(optarg); break; case 's': conf->udp_server_addr = strdup(optarg); break; case 'u': conf->udp_server_port = atoi(optarg); break; case 'd': conf->pidfile = strdup(optarg); break; case 'g': conf->global_conf = strdup(optarg); break; case 'c': conf->channels_conf = strdup(optarg); break; case 'n': conf->nit_conf = strdup(optarg); break; case 'e': conf->epg_conf = strdup(optarg); break; case 'o': if (inet_aton(optarg, &conf->output_intf) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid interface address: %s\n", optarg); exit(1); } break; case 'O': if (inet_aton(optarg, &(conf->output->out_host)) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid output address: %s\n", optarg); exit(1); } break; case 'P': conf->output->out_port = atoi(optarg); if (!conf->output->out_port || conf->output->out_port < 1024) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid output port: %s\n", optarg); exit(1); } break; case 'm': conf->pcr_mode = atoi(optarg); if (conf->pcr_mode < 0 || conf->pcr_mode > 4) conf->pcr_mode = 0; break; case 't': ttl = atoi(optarg); conf->multicast_ttl = (ttl && ttl < 127) ? ttl : 1; break; case 'l': conf->loghost = strdup(optarg); conf->syslog_active = 1; break; case 'L': conf->logport = atoi(optarg); break; case 'B': conf->output_bitrate = atof(optarg); if (conf->output_bitrate < 2 || conf->output_bitrate > 75) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid output bitrate: %.2f (valid 2-75)\n", conf->output_bitrate); exit(1); } break; case 'W': conf->write_output_file = 1; output_open_file(conf->output); break; case 'E': conf->write_input_file = 1; break; case 'D': conf->debug = 1; break; case 'q': conf->quiet = 1; break; case 'H': case 'h': show_usage(0); exit(0); break; } } if (!conf->output->out_host.s_addr) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Output address is not set (use -O x.x.x.x)\n"); show_usage(); goto ERR; } // Set defaults if (!conf->ident) { conf->ident = strdup("ux/mptsd"); conf->logident = strdup("ux-mptsd"); } if (!conf->global_conf) { conf->global_conf = strdup("mptsd.conf"); } if (!conf->channels_conf) { conf->channels_conf = strdup("mptsd_channels.conf"); } if (!conf->nit_conf) { conf->nit_conf = strdup("mptsd_nit.conf"); } if (!conf->epg_conf) { conf->epg_conf = strdup("mptsd_epg.conf"); } // Align bitrate to 1 packet (1316 bytes) conf->output_bitrate *= 1000000; // In bytes conf->output_packets_per_sec = ceil(conf->output_bitrate / (1316 * 8)); conf->output_bitrate = conf->output_packets_per_sec * (1316 * 8); conf->output_tmout = 1000000 / conf->output_packets_per_sec; if (conf->server_port) init_server_socket(conf->server_addr, conf->server_port, &conf->server, &conf->server_socket); // if (conf->udp_server_port) // init_server_socket_udp(conf->server_addr, conf->udp_server_port, &conf->server, &conf->udp_server_socket); if (!conf->quiet) { printf("Configuration:\n"); printf("\tServer ident : %s\n", conf->ident); printf("\tGlobal config : %s\n", conf->global_conf); printf("\tChannels config : %s\n", conf->channels_conf); printf("\tNIT config : %s\n", conf->nit_conf); printf("\tOutput addr : udp://%s:%d\n", inet_ntoa(conf->output->out_host), conf->output->out_port); if (conf->output_intf.s_addr) printf("\tOutput iface addr : %s\n", inet_ntoa(conf->output_intf)); printf("\tMulticast ttl : %d\n", conf->multicast_ttl); if (conf->syslog_active) { printf("\tSyslog host : %s\n", conf->loghost); printf("\tSyslog port : %d\n", conf->logport); } else { printf("\tSyslog disabled.\n"); } printf("\tOutput bitrate : %.0f bps, %.2f Kbps, %.2f Mbps\n", conf->output_bitrate, conf->output_bitrate / 1000, conf->output_bitrate / 1000000); printf("\tOutput pkt tmout : %ld us\n", conf->output_tmout); printf("\tPackets per second: %ld\n", conf->output_packets_per_sec); printf("\tPCR mode : %s\n", conf->pcr_mode == 0 ? "Do not touch PCRs" : conf->pcr_mode == 1 ? "Move PCRs to their calculated place" : conf->pcr_mode == 2 ? "Rewrite PCRs using output bitrate" : conf->pcr_mode == 3 ? "Move PCRs and rewrite them" : "???" ); if (conf->write_output_file) printf("\tWrite output file\n"); if (conf->write_input_file) printf("\tWrite input file(s)\n"); } pthread_t sleepthread; if (pthread_create(&sleepthread, NULL, &calibrate_sleep, conf) == 0) { pthread_join(sleepthread, NULL); } else { perror("calibrate_thread"); exit(1); } if (!conf->output_tmout) exit(1); output_buffer_alloc(conf->output, conf->output_bitrate); if (!config_load_global(conf)) goto ERR; if (!config_load_nit(conf)) goto ERR; if (!config_load_channels(conf)) goto ERR; if (!config_load_epg(conf)) LOGf("CONFIG: Run without EIT (%s)\n", conf->epg_conf); return; ERR: config_free(&conf); exit(1); }