#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "libfuncs/io.h" #include "libfuncs/log.h" #include "libfuncs/list.h" #include "libtsfuncs/tsfuncs.h" #include "sleep.h" #include "data.h" #include "config.h" #include "network.h" void increase_process_priority() { return; #ifdef __linux__ struct sched_param param; param.sched_priority = 99; if (sched_setscheduler(0, SCHED_FIFO, ¶m)==-1) { log_perror("sched_setscheduler() failed!", errno); } else { LOGf("PRIO : sched_setschedule() succeded.\n"); } #endif } void ts_frame_process(CONFIG *conf, OUTPUT *o, uint8_t *data) { int i; uint16_t pid; uint8_t *ts_packet; for (i=0; ipadding_period += TS_PACKET_SIZE; if (ts_packet_has_pcr(ts_packet)) { uint64_t pcr = ts_packet_get_pcr(ts_packet); // Current PCR uint64_t new_pcr = pcr; uint64_t bytes = o->traffic + i; if (o->last_pcr[pid]) { uint64_t old_pcr = o->last_pcr[pid]; uint64_t old_org_pcr = o->last_org_pcr[pid]; uint64_t old_bytes = o->last_traffic[pid]; if (old_org_pcr < pcr) { // Detect PCR wraparound new_pcr = old_pcr + (double)((bytes - old_bytes) * 8 * 27000000) / o->output_bitrate; // Rewrite pcrs || Move pcrs & rewrite prcs if (conf->pcr_mode == 2 || conf->pcr_mode == 3) { ts_packet_set_pcr(ts_packet, new_pcr); } if (conf->debug) { uint64_t ts_rate = (double)(((bytes - old_bytes) * 8) * 27000000) / (pcr - old_org_pcr); uint64_t ts_rate_new = (double)(((bytes - old_bytes) * 8) * 27000000) / (new_pcr - old_pcr); LOGf("PCR[%03x]: old:%14llu new:%14llu pcr_diff:%8lld ts_rate:%9llu ts_rate_new:%9llu diff:%9lld | passed:%llu\n", pid, pcr, new_pcr, pcr - new_pcr, ts_rate, ts_rate_new, ts_rate - ts_rate_new, bytes - old_bytes ); } } } else { // if (config->debug) { // LOGf("PCR[%03x]: %10llu init\n", pid, pcr); // } } o->last_pcr[pid] = new_pcr; o->last_org_pcr[pid] = pcr; o->last_traffic[pid] = bytes; } } } ssize_t ts_frame_write(OUTPUT *o, uint8_t *data) { ssize_t written; written = fdwrite(o->out_sock, (char *)data, FRAME_PACKET_SIZE); if (written >= 0) { o->traffic += written; o->traffic_period += written; } if (o->ofd) write(o->ofd, data, FRAME_PACKET_SIZE); return written; } void * output_handle_write(void *_config) { CONFIG *conf = _config; OUTPUT *o = conf->output; int buf_in_use = 0; unsigned int o_datasize = 0; struct timeval stats_ts, now; struct timeval start_write_ts, end_write_ts, used_ts; unsigned long long stats_interval; signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); increase_process_priority(); gettimeofday(&stats_ts, NULL); while (!o->dienow) { gettimeofday(&now, NULL); OBUF *curbuf = &o->obuf[buf_in_use]; while (curbuf->status != obuf_full) { // Wait untill the buffer is ready ot it is already emptying if (o->dienow) goto OUT; //LOGf("MIX: Waiting for obuf %d\n", buf_in_use); usleep(1); } curbuf->status = obuf_emptying; // Mark buffer as being filled // Show stats stats_interval = timeval_diff_msec(&stats_ts, &now); if (stats_interval > conf->timeouts.stats) { stats_ts = now; double out_kbps = (double)(o->traffic_period * 8) / 1000; double out_mbps = (double)out_kbps / 1000; double opadding = ((double)o->padding_period / o->traffic_period) * 100; if (!conf->quiet) { LOGf("STAT : Pad:%6.2f%% Traf:%5.2f Mbps | %8.2f | %7llu\n", opadding, out_mbps, out_kbps, o->traffic_period ); } o->traffic_period = 0; o->padding_period = 0; o_datasize = 0; } gettimeofday(&start_write_ts, NULL); int packets_written = 0, real_sleep_time = conf->output_tmout - conf->usleep_overhead; long time_taken, time_diff, real_time, overhead = 0, overhead_total = 0; ssize_t written = 0; while (curbuf->written < curbuf->size) { if (o->dienow) goto OUT; long sleep_interval = conf->output_tmout; uint8_t *ts_frame = curbuf->buf + curbuf->written; ts_frame_process(conf, o, ts_frame); // Fix PCR and count NULL packets written += ts_frame_write(o, ts_frame); // Write packet to network/file curbuf->written += FRAME_PACKET_SIZE; if (packets_written) { time_taken = timeval_diff_usec(&start_write_ts, &used_ts); real_time = packets_written * (conf->output_tmout + conf->usleep_overhead); time_diff = real_time - time_taken; overhead = (time_taken / packets_written) - sleep_interval; overhead_total += overhead; /* LOGf("[%5d] time_taken:%5ld real_time:%5ld time_diff:%ld | overhead:%5ld overhead_total:%5ld\n", packets_written, time_taken, real_time, time_diff, overhead, overhead_total ); */ if (time_diff > real_sleep_time) { sleep_interval = time_diff - conf->usleep_overhead; if (sleep_interval < 0) sleep_interval = 1; // LOGf("Add sleep. time_diff: %ld sleep_interval: %ld\n", time_diff, sleep_interval); } else { //LOGf("Skip sleep %ld\n", time_diff); sleep_interval = 0; } } if (sleep_interval > 0) usleep(sleep_interval); gettimeofday(&used_ts, NULL); packets_written++; } gettimeofday(&end_write_ts, NULL); unsigned long long write_time = timeval_diff_usec(&start_write_ts, &end_write_ts); if (write_time < o->obuf_ms * 1000) { //LOGf("Writen for -%llu us less\n", o->obuf_ms*1000 - write_time); usleep(o->obuf_ms*1000 - write_time); } else { //LOGf("Writen for +%llu us more\n", write_time - o->obuf_ms*1000); } obuf_reset(curbuf); // Buffer us all used up buf_in_use = buf_in_use ? 0 : 1; // Switch buffer if (written < 0) { LOG("OUTPUT: Error writing into output socket.\n"); shutdown_fd(&o->out_sock); connect_output(o); } } OUT: LOG("OUTPUT: WRITE thread stopped.\n"); o->dienow++; return 0; }