/* * mptsd data * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Unix Solutions Ltd. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "libfuncs/io.h" #include "libfuncs/log.h" #include "libfuncs/list.h" #include "libfuncs/asyncdns.h" #include "libtsfuncs/tsfuncs.h" #include "data.h" #include "config.h" #include "output.h" extern CONFIG *config; channel_source get_sproto(char *url) { return strncmp(url, "http", 4)==0 ? tcp_sock : udp_sock; } int is_rtp(char *url) { return strncmp(url, "rtp", 3) == 0; } CHANSRC *chansrc_init(char *url) { if (!url) return NULL; regex_t re; regmatch_t res[5]; regcomp(&re, "^([a-z]+)://([^:/?]+):?([0-9]*)/?(.*)", REG_EXTENDED); if (regexec(&re,url,5,res,0)==0) { char *data = strdup(url); char *proto, *host, *port, *path; int iport; proto= data+res[1].rm_so; data[res[1].rm_eo]=0; host = data+res[2].rm_so; data[res[2].rm_eo]=0; port = data+res[3].rm_so; data[res[3].rm_eo]=0; path = data+res[4].rm_so; data[res[4].rm_eo]=0; iport = atoi(port); /* Setup */ CHANSRC *src = calloc(1, sizeof(CHANSRC)); src->proto = strdup(proto); src->sproto= get_sproto(url); src->host = strdup(host); src->port = iport ? iport : 80; src->path = strdup(path); src->rtp = strcmp(proto, "rtp") == 0; FREE(data); regfree(&re); return src; } regfree(&re); return NULL; } void chansrc_free(CHANSRC **purl) { CHANSRC *url = *purl; if (url) { FREE(url->proto); FREE(url->host); FREE(url->path); FREE(*purl); } }; void chansrc_add(CHANNEL *c, char *src) { if (c->num_src >= MAX_CHANNEL_SOURCES-1) return; c->sources[c->num_src] = strdup(src); if (c->num_src == 0) /* Set default source to first one */ c->source = c->sources[c->num_src]; c->num_src++; } void chansrc_next(CHANNEL *c) { if (c->num_src <= 1) return; // uint8_t old_src = c->curr_src; c->curr_src++; if (c->curr_src >= MAX_CHANNEL_SOURCES-1 || c->sources[c->curr_src] == NULL) c->curr_src = 0; c->source = c->sources[c->curr_src]; // LOGf("CHAN : Switch source | Channel: %s OldSrc: %d %s NewSrc: %d %s\n", c->name, old_src, c->sources[old_src], c->curr_src, c->source); } void chansrc_set(CHANNEL *c, uint8_t src_id) { if (src_id >= MAX_CHANNEL_SOURCES-1 || c->sources[src_id] == NULL) return; // uint8_t old_src = c->curr_src; c->curr_src = src_id; c->source = c->sources[c->curr_src]; // LOGf("CHAN : Set source | Channel: %s OldSrc: %d %s NewSrc: %d %s\n", c->name, old_src, c->sources[old_src], c->curr_src, c->source); } CHANNEL *channel_new(int service_id, int is_radio, char *id, char *name, char *source) { CHANNEL *c = calloc(1, sizeof(CHANNEL)); c->service_id = service_id; c->radio = is_radio; c->base_pid = service_id * 32; // The first pid is saved for PMT c->pmt_pid = c->base_pid; // The first pid is saved for PMT c->id = strdup(id); c->name = strdup(name); chansrc_add(c, source); return c; } void channel_free_epg(CHANNEL *c) { epg_free(&c->epg_now); epg_free(&c->epg_next); ts_eit_free(&c->eit_now); ts_eit_free(&c->eit_next); } void channel_free(CHANNEL **pc) { CHANNEL *c = *pc; if (c) { channel_free_epg(c); FREE(c->id); FREE(c->name); int i; for (i=c->num_src-1; i>=0; i--) { FREE(c->sources[i]); } c->source = NULL; FREE(*pc); } } EPG_ENTRY *epg_new(time_t start, int duration, char *encoding, char *event, char *short_desc, char *long_desc) { EPG_ENTRY *e; if (!event) return NULL; e = calloc(1, sizeof(EPG_ENTRY)); e->event_id = (start / 60) &~ 0xffff0000; e->start = start; e->duration = duration; if (encoding && strcmp(encoding, "iso-8859-5")==0) { e->event = init_dvb_string_iso_8859_5(event); e->short_desc = init_dvb_string_iso_8859_5(short_desc); e->long_desc = init_dvb_string_iso_8859_5(long_desc); } else { // Default is utf-8 e->event = init_dvb_string_utf8(event); e->short_desc = init_dvb_string_utf8(short_desc); e->long_desc = init_dvb_string_utf8(long_desc); } return e; } void epg_free(EPG_ENTRY **pe) { EPG_ENTRY *e = *pe; if (e) { FREE(e->event); FREE(e->short_desc); FREE(e->long_desc); FREE(*pe); } } // Return 1 if they are different // Return 0 if they are the same int epg_changed(EPG_ENTRY *a, EPG_ENTRY *b) { if (!a && b) return 1; if (!b && a) return 1; if (!a && !b) return 0; if (a->event_id != b->event_id) return 1; if (a->start != b->start) return 1; if (a->duration != b->duration) return 1; if (xstrcmp(a->event, b->event) != 0) return 1; if (xstrcmp(a->short_desc, b->short_desc) != 0) return 1; if (xstrcmp(a->long_desc, b->long_desc) != 0) return 1; return 0; } void input_stream_alloc(INPUT *input) { input->stream.pidref = pidref_init(64, input->channel->base_pid); input->stream.pat = ts_pat_alloc(); input->stream.pmt = ts_pmt_alloc(); input->stream.last_pat = ts_pat_alloc(); input->stream.last_pmt = ts_pmt_alloc(); } void input_stream_free(INPUT *input) { ts_pmt_free(&input->stream.pmt); ts_pmt_free(&input->stream.pmt_rewritten); ts_pmt_free(&input->stream.last_pmt); ts_pat_free(&input->stream.pat); ts_pat_free(&input->stream.pat_rewritten); ts_pat_free(&input->stream.last_pat); pidref_free(&input->stream.pidref); input->stream.nit_pid = 0; input->stream.pmt_pid = 0; input->stream.pcr_pid = 0; input->stream.input_pcr = 0; } void input_stream_reset(INPUT *input) { input_stream_free(input); input_stream_alloc(input); } INPUT * input_new(const char *name, CHANNEL *channel) { char *tmp; INPUT *r = calloc(1, sizeof(INPUT)); r->name = strdup(name); r->sock = -1; r->channel = channel; if (config->write_input_file) { asprintf(&tmp, "mptsd-input-%s.ts", channel->id); r->ifd = open(tmp, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC, 0644); FREE(tmp); } r->buf = cbuf_init(1428 * 1316, channel->id); // ~ 10000 x 188 input_stream_alloc(r); return r; } void input_free(INPUT **pinput) { INPUT *r = *pinput; if (!r) return; if (r->sock > -1) shutdown_fd(&(r->sock)); if (r->freechannel) channel_free(&r->channel); if (r->ifd) close(r->ifd); input_stream_free(r); cbuf_free(&r->buf); FREE(r->name); FREE(*pinput); } OUTPUT *output_new() { OUTPUT *o = calloc(1, sizeof(OUTPUT)); o->obuf_ms = 100; o->psibuf = cbuf_init(50 * 1316, "psi"); if (!o->psibuf) { LOGf("ERROR: Can't allocate PSI input buffer\n"); exit(1); } cbuf_poison(o->psibuf, 'Y'); return o; } void output_open_file(OUTPUT *o) { o->ofd = open("mptsd-output.ts", O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC, 0644); } void obuf_reset(OBUF *ob) { int i; memset(ob->buf, 0xff, ob->size); for (i=0; isize; i+=188) { ob->buf[i+0] = 0x47; ob->buf[i+1] = 0x1f; ob->buf[i+2] = 0xff; ob->buf[i+3] = 0x00; } ob->written = 0; ob->status = obuf_empty; } void output_buffer_alloc(OUTPUT *o, double output_bitrate) { if (!output_bitrate) { LOGf("No output bitrate, can't determine buffer!\n"); exit(1); } o->output_bitrate = output_bitrate; long pps = ceil((double)output_bitrate / (FRAME_PACKET_SIZE * 8)); // Packets per second long ppms = ceil((double)pps / ((double)1000 / o->obuf_ms)); // Packets per o->buffer_ms miliseconds long obuf_size = ppms * 1316; o->obuf[0].size = obuf_size; o->obuf[0].status = obuf_empty; o->obuf[0].buf = malloc(o->obuf[0].size); obuf_reset(&o->obuf[0]); o->obuf[1].size = obuf_size; o->obuf[1].status = obuf_empty; o->obuf[1].buf = malloc(o->obuf[0].size); obuf_reset(&o->obuf[1]); LOGf("\tOutput buf size : %ld * 2 = %ld\n", obuf_size, obuf_size * 2); LOGf("\tOutput buf packets: %ld (188 bytes)\n", obuf_size / 188); LOGf("\tOutput buf frames : %ld (1316 bytes)\n", obuf_size / 1316); LOGf("\tOutput buf ms : %u ms\n", o->obuf_ms); } void output_free(OUTPUT **po) { OUTPUT *o = *po; if (!o) return; if (o->out_sock > -1) shutdown_fd(&(o->out_sock)); if (o->ofd) close(o->ofd); cbuf_free(&o->psibuf); FREE(o->obuf[0].buf); FREE(o->obuf[1].buf); output_psi_free(o); FREE(*po); } NIT *nit_new(uint16_t ts_id, char *freq, char *mod, char *symbol_rate) { char tmp[9]; unsigned i, pos; NIT *n = calloc(1, sizeof(NIT)); if (strlen(freq) != 9 || strlen(symbol_rate) != 8) return NULL; n->freq = strdup(freq); n->modulation = strdup(mod); n->symbol_rate = strdup(symbol_rate); n->ts_id = ts_id; n->_modulation = strcmp(mod, "16-QAM") == 0 ? 0x01 : strcmp(mod, "32-QAM") == 0 ? 0x02 : strcmp(mod, "64-QAM") == 0 ? 0x03 : strcmp(mod, "128-QAM") == 0 ? 0x04 : strcmp(mod, "256-QAM") == 0 ? 0x05 : 0x00; memset(tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp)); pos = 0; for (i=0;i_freq = strtol(tmp, NULL, 16); memset(tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp)); pos = 0; for (i=0;i_symbol_rate = strtol(tmp, NULL, 16); return n; } void nit_free(NIT **pn) { NIT *n = *pn; if (n) { FREE(n->freq); FREE(n->modulation); FREE(n->symbol_rate); FREE(*pn); } } void proxy_log(INPUT *r, char *msg) { LOGf("INPUT : [%-12s] %s fd: %d src: %s\n", r->channel->id, msg, r->sock, r->channel->source); } void proxy_close(LIST *inputs, INPUT **input) { proxy_log(*input, "Stop"); // If there are no clients left, no "Timeout" messages will be logged list_del_entry(inputs, *input); input_free(input); }