#include #include #include #include #include #include "tsfuncs.h" #define pes_data_size_buffer (1024) #define pes_max_data_size (1024*1024) struct ts_pes *ts_pes_alloc() { struct ts_pes *pes = calloc(1, sizeof(struct ts_pes)); pes->pes_data_size = pes_data_size_buffer; pes->pes_data = malloc(pes->pes_data_size); memset(pes->pes_data, 0x33, pes->pes_data_size); return pes; } void ts_pes_free(struct ts_pes **ppes) { struct ts_pes *pes = *ppes; if (pes) { FREE(pes->pes_data); FREE(*ppes); } } struct ts_pes *ts_pes_reset(struct ts_pes *pes) { uint8_t *pes_data = pes->pes_data; uint32_t pes_data_size = pes->pes_data_size; memset(pes, 0, sizeof(struct ts_pes)); pes->pes_data = pes_data; pes->pes_data_size = pes_data_size; return pes; } static void ts_pes_add_payload_to_pes_data(struct ts_pes *pes, uint8_t *payload, uint8_t payload_size) { uint32_t new_data_pos = pes->pes_data_pos + payload_size; // Check if there is enough space in pes->pes_data if (new_data_pos > pes->pes_data_size) { int old_data_size = pes->pes_data_size; pes->pes_data_size *= 2; // ts_LOGf("realloc to %d from %d\n", old_data_size, pes->pes_data_size); pes->pes_data = realloc(pes->pes_data, pes->pes_data_size); // Poison memset(pes->pes_data + pes->pes_data_pos, 0x34, pes->pes_data_size - old_data_size); } memcpy(pes->pes_data + pes->pes_data_pos, payload, payload_size); pes->pes_data_pos += payload_size; if (pes->pes_packet_len) { // If packet size is known, mark the packet as initialized if (pes->pes_data_pos >= pes->pes_packet_len) { pes->pes_data_initialized = 1; } } } // This function is used to determine the last PES was finished before current ts_packet int ts_pes_is_finished(struct ts_pes *pes, uint8_t *ts_packet) { if (pes->pes_data_initialized) return 1; // Time to mark PES as initialized since current packet has PUSI if (ts_packet_is_pusi(ts_packet) && pes->real_pes_packet_len == -1) { pes->real_pes_packet_len = pes->pes_data_pos; pes->pes_data_initialized = 1; // ts_LOGf("packet finished, len:%d\n", pes->real_pes_packet_len); if (!ts_pes_parse(pes)) { ts_LOGf("error parsing!\n"); pes = ts_pes_reset(pes); return 0; } // ts_LOGf("parsed OK!\n"); return 1; } return 0; } // Fill is_video, is_audio, is_ac3, etc..flags in PES packet void ts_pes_fill_type(struct ts_pes *pes, struct ts_pmt *pmt, uint16_t pid) { int i; pes->is_audio = IS_AUDIO_STREAM_ID(pes->stream_id); pes->is_video = IS_VIDEO_STREAM_ID(pes->stream_id); if (pmt && pmt->initialized) { for (i=0;istreams_num;i++) { struct ts_pmt_stream *stream = pmt->streams[i]; if (stream->pid != pid) continue; pes->is_audio = pes->is_audio && ts_is_stream_type_audio(stream->stream_type); pes->is_audio_mpeg1 = pes->is_audio && stream->stream_type == STREAM_TYPE_MPEG1_AUDIO; pes->is_audio_mpeg2 = pes->is_audio && stream->stream_type == STREAM_TYPE_MPEG2_AUDIO; // To determine if type is AC3 we need to check descriptors //pes->is_audio_ac3 = ts_is_stream_type_ac3(stream->stream_type); // We need to also check descriptors because this is not ENOUGH! pes->is_audio_aac = pes->is_audio && stream->stream_type == STREAM_TYPE_ADTS_AUDIO; pes->is_video = pes->is_video && ts_is_stream_type_video(stream->stream_type); pes->is_video_mpeg1 = pes->is_video && stream->stream_type == STREAM_TYPE_MPEG1_VIDEO; pes->is_video_mpeg2 = pes->is_video && stream->stream_type == STREAM_TYPE_MPEG2_VIDEO; pes->is_video_mpeg4 = pes->is_video && stream->stream_type == STREAM_TYPE_MPEG4_PART2_VIDEO; pes->is_video_h264 = pes->is_video && stream->stream_type == STREAM_TYPE_AVC_VIDEO; pes->is_video_avs = pes->is_video && stream->stream_type == STREAM_TYPE_AVS_VIDEO; if (!stream->ES_info) break; // Parse stream descriptors to gather more information uint8_t tag, this_length; uint8_t *data = stream->ES_info; int data_len = stream->ES_info_size; while (data_len >= 2) { tag = data[0]; this_length = data[1]; data += 2; data_len -= 2; if (this_length > data_len) { // Not much we can do! Give up. ts_LOGf("!!! Descriptor 0x%02x says length %d, but only %d bytes left\n", tag, this_length, data_len); break; } switch (tag) { case 3: { // Audio stream descriptor struct { uint8_t free_format_flag : 1, ID : 1, layer : 2, vbr_flag : 1, reserved : 3; } as; if (this_length >= 1) { as.free_format_flag = bit_on(data[0], bit_8); as.ID = bit_on(data[0], bit_7); as.layer = (data[0] &~ 0xcf) >> 4; // 11xx1111 as.vbr_flag = bit_on(data[0], bit_4); as.reserved = data[0] &~ 0xf0; // 1111xxxx if (as.ID) { pes->is_audio = 1; pes->is_audio_mpeg1l1 = as.layer == 3; pes->is_audio_mpeg1l2 = as.layer == 2; pes->is_audio_mpeg1l3 = as.layer == 1; } } break; } case 5: { // Registration descriptor if (this_length == 4) { uint32_t reg_ident = data[0] << 24; reg_ident |= data[1] << 16; reg_ident |= data[2] << 8; reg_ident |= data[3]; // See http://smpte-ra.org/mpegreg/mpegreg.html if (reg_ident == 0x41432D33) { // AC-3 pes->is_audio = 1; pes->is_audio_ac3 = 1; //ts_LOGf("reg_desc says AC-3\n"); } if (reg_ident == 0x44545331 || reg_ident == 0x44545332 || reg_ident == 0x44545333) { // DTS1, DTS2, DTS2 pes->is_audio = 1; pes->is_audio_dts = 1; //ts_LOGf("reg_desc says DTSx\n"); } } break; } case 0x6a: { // AC-3 descriptor //ts_LOGf("ac3_desc found\n"); pes->is_audio = 1; pes->is_audio_ac3 = 1; break; } case 0x7b: { // DTS descriptor //ts_LOGf("ac3_desc found\n"); pes->is_audio = 1; pes->is_audio_dts = 1; break; } case 0x56: { // teletext //ts_LOGf("teletext_desc found\n"); pes->is_teletext = 1; break; } case 0x59: { // Subtitling descriptor //ts_LOGf("subtitle_desc found\n"); pes->is_subtitle = 1; break; } } // switch data_len -= this_length; data += this_length; } // while } } } struct ts_pes *ts_pes_push_packet(struct ts_pes *pes, uint8_t *ts_packet, struct ts_pmt *pmt, uint16_t pid) { struct ts_header ts_header; memset(&ts_header, 0, sizeof(struct ts_header)); uint8_t *payload = ts_packet_header_parse(ts_packet, &ts_header); uint8_t payload_size = ts_header.payload_size; if (!payload || !payload_size) goto OUT; if (ts_header.pusi) { uint8_t stream_id = 0; int pes_packet_len = 0; if (payload[0] == 0x00 && payload[1] == 0x00 && payload[2] == 0x01) { // pes_start_code_prefix pes->ts_header = ts_header; stream_id = payload[3]; pes_packet_len = (payload[4] << 8) | payload[5]; // ts_LOGf("NEW PES. Stream_id=%02x pes_length=%d\n", stream_id, pes_packet_len); if (pes_packet_len == 0 && pes->real_pes_packet_len == -1) { ts_LOGf("!!! ERROR: New pes with pes_packed_len == 0, started before the old was finished\n"); goto ERROR; } if (pes_packet_len > 0) { pes->real_pes_packet_len = pes_packet_len; } else { pes->real_pes_packet_len = -1; } pes->stream_id = stream_id; pes->pes_packet_len = pes_packet_len; ts_pes_fill_type(pes, pmt, pid); } else { ts_LOGf("!!! PES_start_code_prefix not found. Expected 0x00 0x00 0x01 but get 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x! PID %03x\n", payload[0], payload[1], payload[2], ts_header.pid); goto ERROR; } } if (pes->stream_id) { ts_pes_add_payload_to_pes_data(pes, payload, payload_size); // ts_LOGf("Payload %d added, tot_size: %d\n", payload_size, pes->pes_data_pos); if (pes->pes_data_pos > pes_max_data_size) { ts_LOGf("PES Payload size %d exceeded pes_data_max_size: %d pid: %03x\n", pes->pes_data_pos, pes_max_data_size, pes->ts_header.pid); goto ERROR; } } if (pes->pes_data_initialized) { if (!ts_pes_parse(pes)) goto ERROR; } OUT: return pes; ERROR: return ts_pes_reset(pes); } int ts_pes_parse(struct ts_pes *pes) { uint8_t *data = pes->pes_data; if (!pes->pes_data_initialized) { ts_LOGf("!!! pes_data_initialized not true\n"); return 0; } if (pes->real_pes_packet_len == -1) { ts_LOGf("!!! real_pes_data_len is == -1\n"); return 0; } if (pes->pes_data_size < 6) { ts_LOGf("!!! PES data_size < 6\n"); return 0; } if (!(data[0] == 0x00 && data[1] == 0x00 && data[2] == 0x01)) { // pes_start_code_prefix ts_LOGf("!!! PES_start_code_prefix error! Expected 0x00 0x00 0x01 but get 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x! PID %03x\n", data[0], data[1], data[2], pes->ts_header.pid); return 0; } pes->stream_id = data[3]; // 8 bits pes->pes_packet_len = (data[4] << 8) | data[5]; // 16 bits int dpos = 6; if (!IS_PES_STREAM_SUPPORTED(pes->stream_id)) { // We do not handle this streams... ts_LOGf("!!! Unsupported stream, ignore! (%02x) PID %03x\n", pes->stream_id, pes->ts_header.pid); return 0; } dpos = 6; if ((data[dpos] &~ 0x3f) != 0x80) { // 10xxxxxx (first two bits must be 10 eq 0x80 ts_LOGf("!!! No 10 bits at PES start, expected 0x80 get 0x%02x, org: %02x! PID %03x\n", data[dpos] &~ 0x3f, data[dpos], pes->ts_header.pid); return 0; } // data[dpos] = 0xff; pes->flags_1 = data[dpos]; pes->scrambling = (data[dpos] &~ 0xCF) >> 4; pes->priority = bit_on(data[dpos], bit_4); pes->data_alignment = bit_on(data[dpos], bit_3); pes->copyright = bit_on(data[dpos], bit_2); pes->original_or_copy = bit_on(data[dpos], bit_1); dpos = 7; // data[dpos] = 0xff; pes->flags_2 = data[dpos]; pes->PTS_flag = bit_on(data[dpos], bit_8); pes->DTS_flag = bit_on(data[dpos], bit_7); pes->ESCR_flag = bit_on(data[dpos], bit_6); pes->ES_rate_flag = bit_on(data[dpos], bit_5); pes->trick_mode_flag = bit_on(data[dpos], bit_4); pes->add_copy_info_flag = bit_on(data[dpos], bit_3); pes->pes_crc_flag = bit_on(data[dpos], bit_2); pes->pes_extension_flag = bit_on(data[dpos], bit_1); dpos = 8; pes->pes_header_len = data[dpos]; dpos = 9; if (!pes->PTS_flag && pes->DTS_flag) // Invalid, can't have only DTS flag return 0; if (pes->PTS_flag && !pes->DTS_flag) { if (!ts_decode_pts_dts(&data[dpos], 2, &pes->PTS)) return 0; dpos += 5; pes->have_pts = 1; } if (pes->PTS_flag && pes->DTS_flag) { if (!ts_decode_pts_dts(&data[dpos], 3, &pes->PTS)) return 0; pes->have_pts = 1; dpos += 5; if (!ts_decode_pts_dts(&data[dpos], 1, &pes->DTS)) return 0; pes->have_dts = 1; dpos += 5; } if (pes->ESCR_flag) { uint64_t ESCR_base; uint32_t ESCR_extn; ESCR_base = (data[dpos+4] >> 3) | (data[dpos+3] << 5) | (data[dpos+2] << 13) | (data[dpos+1] << 20) | ((((uint64_t)data[dpos]) & 0x03) << 28) | ((((uint64_t)data[dpos]) & 0x38) << 27); ESCR_extn = (data[dpos+5] >> 1) | (data[dpos+4] << 7); pes->ESCR = ESCR_base * 300 + ESCR_extn; dpos += 6; } if (pes->ES_rate_flag) { // Not decoded... dpos += 3; } if (pes->trick_mode_flag) { // Not decoded... dpos += 1; } if (pes->add_copy_info_flag) { // Not decoded... dpos += 1; } if (pes->pes_crc_flag) { // Not decoded... dpos += 2; } if (pes->pes_extension_flag) { // data[dpos] = 0xff; pes->flags_3 = data[dpos]; pes->pes_private_data_flag = bit_on(data[dpos], bit_8); // 1xxxxxxx pes->pack_header_field_flag = bit_on(data[dpos], bit_7); // x1xxxxxx pes->program_packet_seq_counter_flag = bit_on(data[dpos], bit_6); // xx1xxxxx pes->p_std_buffer_flag = bit_on(data[dpos], bit_5); // xxx1xxxx pes->reserved2 = (data[dpos] &~ 0x0e) >> 1; // xxxx111x pes->pes_extension2_flag = bit_on(data[dpos], bit_1); // xxxxxxx1 if (pes->pes_private_data_flag) { pes->pes_private_data_1 = (pes->pes_private_data_1 << 8) | data[dpos+7]; pes->pes_private_data_1 = (pes->pes_private_data_1 << 8) | data[dpos+6]; pes->pes_private_data_1 = (pes->pes_private_data_1 << 8) | data[dpos+5]; pes->pes_private_data_1 = (pes->pes_private_data_1 << 8) | data[dpos+4]; pes->pes_private_data_1 = (pes->pes_private_data_1 << 8) | data[dpos+3]; pes->pes_private_data_1 = (pes->pes_private_data_1 << 8) | data[dpos+2]; pes->pes_private_data_1 = (pes->pes_private_data_1 << 8) | data[dpos+1]; pes->pes_private_data_1 = (pes->pes_private_data_1 << 8) | data[dpos+0]; dpos += 8; pes->pes_private_data_2 = (pes->pes_private_data_2 << 8) | data[dpos+7]; pes->pes_private_data_2 = (pes->pes_private_data_2 << 8) | data[dpos+6]; pes->pes_private_data_2 = (pes->pes_private_data_2 << 8) | data[dpos+5]; pes->pes_private_data_2 = (pes->pes_private_data_2 << 8) | data[dpos+4]; pes->pes_private_data_2 = (pes->pes_private_data_2 << 8) | data[dpos+3]; pes->pes_private_data_2 = (pes->pes_private_data_2 << 8) | data[dpos+2]; pes->pes_private_data_2 = (pes->pes_private_data_2 << 8) | data[dpos+1]; pes->pes_private_data_2 = (pes->pes_private_data_2 << 8) | data[dpos+0]; dpos += 8; } if (pes->pack_header_field_flag) { pes->pack_header_len = data[dpos]; pes->pack_header = pes->pes_data + 1 + dpos; // Pointer into *pes_data dpos += 1 + pes->pack_header_len; } if (pes->program_packet_seq_counter_flag) { // Not decoded dpos += 2; } if (pes->p_std_buffer_flag) { if ((data[dpos] &~ 0x3f) != 0x40) { // 01xxxxxx (first two bits must be 01 eq 0x40 return 0; } // Not decoded... dpos += 2; } if (pes->pes_extension2_flag) { pes->pes_extension_field_len = data[dpos] &~ 0x80; // x1111111 pes->pes_extension2 = pes->pes_data + 1 + dpos; // Pointer into *pes_data dpos += 1 + pes->pes_extension_field_len; } } int maxstuffing = 32; // Maximum 32 stuffing bytes // Skip stuffing bytes (8 is minimum PES header len) while ((--maxstuffing > 0) && (dpos-8 <= pes->pes_header_len) && (data[dpos] == 0xff)) { dpos++; } pes->es_data = pes->pes_data + dpos; pes->es_data_size = pes->real_pes_packet_len - dpos; pes->initialized = 1; if (pes->data_alignment) ts_pes_es_parse(pes); return 1; } #define min(a,b) ((a < b) ? a : b) void ts_pes_dump(struct ts_pes *pes) { if (!pes->initialized) return; ts_LOGf("PES packet\n"); ts_packet_header_dump(&pes->ts_header); ts_LOGf(" * Content : %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n", pes->is_audio ? "Audio " : "", pes->is_audio_mpeg1 ? "MP1 " : "", pes->is_audio_mpeg1l1 ? "Layer1 " : "", pes->is_audio_mpeg1l2 ? "Layer2 " : "", pes->is_audio_mpeg1l3 ? "Layer3 " : "", pes->is_audio_mpeg2 ? "MP2 " : "", pes->is_audio_aac ? "AAC " : "", pes->is_audio_ac3 ? "AC3 " : "", pes->is_audio_dts ? "DTS " : "", pes->is_video ? "Video " : "", pes->is_video_mpeg1 ? "MPEG1 " : "", pes->is_video_mpeg2 ? "MPEG2 " : "", pes->is_video_mpeg4 ? "MPEG4p2 " : "", pes->is_video_h264 ? "H.264 " : "", pes->is_video_avs ? "AVS " : "", pes->is_teletext ? "Teletext " : "", pes->is_subtitle ? "Subtitles " : "" ); char *stream_id_text = h222_stream_id_desc(pes->stream_id); ts_LOGf(" * Stream_id : 0x%02x (%d) %s\n", pes->stream_id, pes->stream_id, stream_id_text); FREE(stream_id_text); ts_LOGf(" * Packet len : 0x%04x (%d) real_len: %d %s\n", pes->pes_packet_len, pes->pes_packet_len, pes->real_pes_packet_len-pes->pes_header_len-6, pes->is_video ? "VIDEO" : (pes->is_audio ? "AUDIO" : "OTHER")); ts_LOGf(" * Header len : %d\n", pes->pes_header_len); ts_LOGf(" * Flags 1 : 0x%02x | scrambling=%d priority=%d data_align=%d copyright=%d org_or_copy=%d\n", pes->flags_1, pes->scrambling, pes->priority, pes->data_alignment, pes->copyright, pes->original_or_copy ); ts_LOGf(" * Flags 2 : 0x%02x | %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n", pes->flags_2, pes->PTS_flag ? "PTS " : "", pes->DTS_flag ? "DTS " : "", pes->ESCR_flag ? "ESCR " : "", pes->ES_rate_flag ? "ES_rate " : "", pes->trick_mode_flag ? "Trick_mode " : "", pes->add_copy_info_flag ? "Add_copy " : "", pes->pes_crc_flag ? "PES_CRC " : "", pes->pes_extension_flag ? "PES_Ext " : "" ); if (pes->PTS_flag && pes->have_pts) ts_LOGf(" * PTS : %llu (%llu ms) (%llu.%04llu sec)\n", pes->PTS, pes->PTS / 90, pes->PTS / 90000, (pes->PTS % 90000) / 9 ); if (pes->DTS_flag && pes->have_dts) ts_LOGf(" * DTS : %llu (%llu ms) (%llu.%04llu sec)\n", pes->DTS, pes->DTS / 90, pes->DTS / 90000, (pes->DTS % 90000) / 9 ); if (pes->ESCR_flag) ts_LOGf(" * ESCR : %llu\n", pes->ESCR); if (pes->ES_rate_flag) ts_LOGf(" * ES_rate : %lu\n" , (unsigned long)pes->ES_rate * 50); // In units of 50 bytes if (pes->pes_extension_flag) { ts_LOGf(" * Ext flags : 0x%02x | %s%s%s%s%s\n", pes->flags_3, pes->pes_private_data_flag ? "Private_data_flag " : "", pes->pack_header_field_flag ? "Pack_header_flag " : "", pes->program_packet_seq_counter_flag ? "Prg_pack_seq_flag " : "", pes->p_std_buffer_flag ? "P-STD_buf_flag " : "", pes->pes_extension2_flag ? "Ext2_flag " : "" ); } if (pes->pes_private_data_flag) ts_LOGf(" * PES priv_data : 0x%08llx%08llx\n", pes->pes_private_data_1, pes->pes_private_data_2); if (pes->pack_header_field_flag) { ts_LOGf(" * Pack_header ... \n"); } if (pes->program_packet_seq_counter_flag) { ts_LOGf(" * Prg_seq_cnt : %d\n", pes->program_packet_seq_counter); } ts_LOGf(" - Private : pes_data_pos:%u es_data_size:%u\n", pes->pes_data_pos, pes->es_data_size ); char *phex = ts_hex_dump(pes->pes_data, min(32, pes->pes_data_pos), 0); ts_LOGf(" - PES dump : %s...\n", phex); free(phex); if (pes->es_data) { char *hex = ts_hex_dump(pes->es_data, min(32, pes->es_data_size), 0); ts_LOGf(" - ES dump : %s...\n", hex); free(hex); } }