#include #include #include #include #include #include "tsfuncs.h" struct ts_eit *ts_eit_alloc() { struct ts_eit *eit = calloc(1, sizeof(struct ts_eit)); eit->section_header = ts_section_data_alloc(); eit->streams_max = 128; eit->streams = calloc(eit->streams_max, sizeof(void *)); return eit; } void ts_eit_free(struct ts_eit **peit) { struct ts_eit *eit = *peit; if (eit) { int i; ts_section_data_free(&eit->section_header); for (i=0;istreams_num;i++) { if (eit->streams[i]) { FREE(eit->streams[i]->descriptor_data); FREE(eit->streams[i]); } } FREE(eit->streams); FREE(*peit); } } static struct ts_eit *ts_eit_reset(struct ts_eit *eit) { struct ts_eit *neweit = ts_eit_alloc(); ts_eit_free(&eit); return neweit; } struct ts_eit *ts_eit_push_packet(struct ts_eit *eit, uint8_t *ts_packet) { struct ts_header ts_header; memset(&ts_header, 0, sizeof(struct ts_header)); if (ts_packet_header_parse(ts_packet, &ts_header)) { // EIT should be with PID 0x12 if (ts_header.pid != 0x12) goto OUT; if (!eit->ts_header.pusi) eit->ts_header = ts_header; } if (ts_header.pusi) { struct ts_section_header section_header; memset(§ion_header, 0, sizeof(struct ts_section_header)); uint8_t *section_data = ts_section_header_parse(ts_packet, &eit->ts_header, §ion_header); if (!section_data || !section_header.section_syntax_indicator) { memset(&eit->ts_header, 0, sizeof(struct ts_header)); goto OUT; } // table_id should be 0x4e (event_information_section - actual_transport_stream, present/following) // table_id 0x50 - 0x5f (event_information_section - actual_transport_stream, schedule) if (section_header.table_id != 0x4e && (section_header.table_id < 0x50 && section_header.table_id > 0x5f)) { memset(&eit->ts_header, 0, sizeof(struct ts_header)); goto OUT; } // Set correct section_header ts_section_header_parse(ts_packet, &eit->ts_header, eit->section_header); } if (!eit->initialized) { if (eit->section_header->section_syntax_indicator) { ts_section_add_packet(eit->section_header, &ts_header, ts_packet); if (eit->section_header->initialized) { if (!ts_eit_parse(eit)) goto ERROR; } } } OUT: return eit; ERROR: return ts_eit_reset(eit); } int ts_eit_parse(struct ts_eit *eit) { uint8_t *section_data = eit->section_header->data; int section_len = eit->section_header->data_len; /* Table data (6 bytes) */ eit->transport_stream_id = (section_data[0] << 8) | section_data[1]; // 11111111 11111111 eit->original_network_id = (section_data[2] << 8) | section_data[3]; // 11111111 11111111 eit->segment_last_section_number = section_data[4]; eit->last_table_id = section_data[5]; uint8_t *stream_data = section_data + 6; // +5 is to compensate for the above int stream_len = section_len - 6 - 4; // -4 for the CRC at the end while (stream_len > 0) { if (eit->streams_num == eit->streams_max) { ts_LOGf("!!! Too many streams in EIT, max %d\n", eit->streams_max); break; } struct ts_eit_stream *sinfo = calloc(1, sizeof(struct ts_eit_stream)); sinfo->event_id = (stream_data[0] << 8) | stream_data[1]; sinfo->start_time_mjd = (stream_data[2] << 8) | stream_data[3]; sinfo->start_time_bcd = stream_data[4] << 16; sinfo->start_time_bcd |= stream_data[5] << 8; sinfo->start_time_bcd |= stream_data[6]; sinfo->duration_bcd = stream_data[7] << 16; sinfo->duration_bcd |= stream_data[8] << 8; sinfo->duration_bcd |= stream_data[9]; sinfo->running_status = stream_data[10] >> 5; // 111xxxxx sinfo->free_CA_mode = (stream_data[10] &~ 0xE0) >> 4; // xxx1xxxx sinfo->descriptor_size = ((stream_data[10] &~ 0xF0) << 8) | stream_data[11]; // 1111xxxx xxxxxxxx stream_data += 12; // Compensate for the the above vars stream_len -= 12 + sinfo->descriptor_size; sinfo->descriptor_data = NULL; if (sinfo->descriptor_size > 0) { sinfo->descriptor_data = malloc(sinfo->descriptor_size); memcpy(sinfo->descriptor_data, stream_data, sinfo->descriptor_size); } eit->streams[eit->streams_num] = sinfo; eit->streams_num++; stream_data += sinfo->descriptor_size; } eit->CRC = (eit->CRC << 8) | stream_data[3]; eit->CRC = (eit->CRC << 8) | stream_data[2]; eit->CRC = (eit->CRC << 8) | stream_data[1]; eit->CRC = (eit->CRC << 8) | stream_data[0]; u_int32_t check_crc = ts_crc32_section(eit->section_header); if (check_crc != 0) { ts_LOGf("!!! Wrong EIT CRC! It should be 0 but it is %08x (CRC in data is 0x%08x)\n", check_crc, eit->CRC); return 0; } eit->initialized = 1; return 1; } void ts_eit_generate(struct ts_eit *eit, uint8_t **ts_packets, int *num_packets) { uint8_t *secdata = ts_section_data_alloc_section(); ts_section_header_generate(secdata, eit->section_header, 0); int curpos = 8; // Compensate for the section header, frist data byte is at offset 8 secdata[curpos + 0] = eit->transport_stream_id >> 8; // xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx secdata[curpos + 1] = eit->transport_stream_id &~ 0xff00; secdata[curpos + 2] = eit->original_network_id >> 8; // xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx secdata[curpos + 3] = eit->original_network_id &~ 0xff00; secdata[curpos + 4] = eit->segment_last_section_number; secdata[curpos + 5] = eit->last_table_id; curpos += 6; // For the fields above int i; for(i=0;istreams_num;i++) { struct ts_eit_stream *stream = eit->streams[i]; secdata[curpos + 0] = stream->event_id >> 8; // xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx secdata[curpos + 1] = stream->event_id &~ 0xff00; secdata[curpos + 2] = stream->start_time_mjd >> 8; // xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx secdata[curpos + 3] = stream->start_time_mjd &~ 0xff00; secdata[curpos + 4] = stream->start_time_bcd >> 16; secdata[curpos + 5] =(stream->start_time_bcd >> 8) &~ 0xff00; secdata[curpos + 6] = stream->start_time_bcd &~ 0xffff00; secdata[curpos + 7] = stream->duration_bcd >> 16; secdata[curpos + 8] =(stream->duration_bcd >> 8) &~ 0xff00; secdata[curpos + 9] = stream->duration_bcd &~ 0xffff00; secdata[curpos +10] = stream->running_status << 5; // 111xxxxx secdata[curpos +10] |= stream->free_CA_mode << 4; // xxx1xxxx secdata[curpos +10] |= stream->descriptor_size >> 8; // 1111xxxx xxxxxxxx secdata[curpos +11] = stream->descriptor_size &~ 0xff00; curpos += 12; // Compensate for the above if (stream->descriptor_size > 0) { memcpy(secdata + curpos, stream->descriptor_data, stream->descriptor_size); curpos += stream->descriptor_size; } } eit->CRC = ts_section_data_calculate_crc(secdata, curpos); curpos += 4; // CRC ts_section_data_gen_ts_packets(&eit->ts_header, secdata, curpos, eit->section_header->pointer_field, ts_packets, num_packets); FREE(secdata); } void ts_eit_check_generator(struct ts_eit *eit) { struct ts_eit *eit1 = ts_eit_alloc(); int i; for (i=0;isection_header->num_packets;i++) { eit1 = ts_eit_push_packet(eit1, eit->section_header->packet_data + (i * TS_PACKET_SIZE)); } ts_compare_data("EIT (tspacket->struct)", eit1->section_header->packet_data, eit->section_header->packet_data, eit->section_header->num_packets * TS_PACKET_SIZE); ts_eit_free(&eit1); uint8_t *ts_packets; int num_packets; ts_eit_generate(eit, &ts_packets, &num_packets); if (num_packets != eit->section_header->num_packets) { ts_LOGf("ERROR: num_packets:%d != sec->num_packets:%d\n", num_packets, eit->section_header->num_packets); } ts_compare_data("EIT (struct->tspacket)", eit->section_header->packet_data, ts_packets, num_packets * TS_PACKET_SIZE); free(ts_packets); } void ts_eit_regenerate_packets(struct ts_eit *eit) { uint8_t *ts_packets; int num_packets; ts_eit_generate(eit, &ts_packets, &num_packets); FREE(eit->section_header->packet_data); eit->section_header->packet_data = ts_packets; eit->section_header->num_packets = num_packets; } struct ts_eit *ts_eit_copy(struct ts_eit *eit) { struct ts_eit *neweit = ts_eit_alloc(); int i; for (i=0;isection_header->num_packets; i++) { neweit = ts_eit_push_packet(neweit, eit->section_header->packet_data + (i * TS_PACKET_SIZE)); } if (neweit->initialized) { return neweit; } else { ts_LOGf("Error copying EIT!\n"); ts_eit_free(&neweit); return NULL; } } void ts_eit_dump(struct ts_eit *eit) { int i; ts_LOGf("EIT table\n"); ts_LOGf(" * TS Packets\n"); for(i=0;isection_header->num_packets;i++) { struct ts_header tshdr; ts_packet_header_parse(eit->section_header->packet_data + (i * TS_PACKET_SIZE), &tshdr); ts_packet_header_dump(&tshdr); } ts_section_header_dump(eit->section_header); ts_LOGf(" * EIT data\n"); ts_LOGf(" * PID : 0x%04x (%d)\n", eit->ts_header.pid, eit->ts_header.pid); ts_LOGf(" * ts_stream_id : 0x%04x (%d)\n", eit->transport_stream_id, eit->transport_stream_id); ts_LOGf(" * org_network_id : 0x%04x (%d)\n", eit->original_network_id, eit->original_network_id); ts_LOGf(" * seg_last_sec_num: %d\n", eit->segment_last_section_number); ts_LOGf(" * last_table_id : 0x%02x (%d)\n", eit->last_table_id, eit->last_table_id); ts_LOGf(" * num_streams : %d\n", eit->streams_num); for(i=0;istreams_num;i++) { struct ts_eit_stream *stream = eit->streams[i]; int hour, min, sec; struct tm tm; ts_time_decode_mjd(stream->start_time_mjd, stream->start_time_bcd, &tm); ts_time_decode_bcd(stream->duration_bcd, NULL, &hour, &min, &sec); ts_LOGf(" * Event_id [%02d/%02d]\n", i+1, eit->streams_num); ts_LOGf(" - Event_id : 0x%04x (%d)\n", stream->event_id, stream->event_id); ts_LOGf(" - Start_time: %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d (0x%04x%06x) ts: %ld\n", tm.tm_year+1900, tm.tm_mon+1, tm.tm_mday, tm.tm_hour, tm.tm_min, tm.tm_sec, stream->start_time_mjd, stream->start_time_bcd, timegm(&tm)); ts_LOGf(" - Duration : %02d:%02d:%02d (0x%06x)\n", hour, min, sec, stream->duration_bcd); ts_LOGf(" - Running_status: %d free_CA_mode: %d /desc_size: %d/\n", stream->running_status, stream->free_CA_mode, stream->descriptor_size); if (stream->descriptor_data) { ts_descriptor_dump(stream->descriptor_data, stream->descriptor_size); } } ts_LOGf(" * CRC 0x%04x\n", eit->CRC); ts_eit_check_generator(eit); }