/* * Circular buffer * Copyright (C) 2010 Unix Solutions Ltd. * * Released under MIT license. * See LICENSE-MIT.txt for license terms. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "libfuncs.h" #include "cbuf.h" static void cbuf_lock(CBUF *b) { pthread_mutex_lock(b->lock); } static void cbuf_unlock(CBUF *b) { pthread_mutex_unlock(b->lock); } /* Returns how much data is filled in the buffer */ int cbuf_free_data_size(CBUF *b) { int ret = b->size - (b->input - b->output); assert(ret >= 0); return ret; } void cbuf_dump(CBUF *b) { LOGf("CBUF [%10s]: size:%d pos:%d writepos:%d input:%llu output:%llu free_data:%d buffered:%lld\n", b->name, b->size, b->pos, b->writepos, b->input, b->output, cbuf_free_data_size(b), b->input - b->output ); /* char *z = b->buffer; printf("cbuf(%s), dump:", b->name); int i; for (i=0;isize;i++) { printf("%c", z[i]); } printf("\n\n"); */ } CBUF *cbuf_init(int buffer_size, char *name) { CBUF *b = calloc(1, sizeof(CBUF)); if (!b) return NULL; if (!buffer_size) return 0; pthread_mutex_t *mutex = malloc(sizeof(pthread_mutex_t)); if (pthread_mutex_init(mutex, NULL) != 0) { perror("cbuf_new: mutex_init"); return NULL; } b->lock = mutex; b->name = strdup(name); b->size = buffer_size; b->pos = 0; b->writepos = 0; b->buffer = calloc(1, buffer_size); if (!b->buffer) { free(b); LOGf("CBUF [%10s]: Can't allocate buffer size: %d\n", name, buffer_size); return NULL; } return b; } void cbuf_free(CBUF **pb) { CBUF *b = *pb; if (!b) return; pthread_mutex_destroy(b->lock); FREE(b->lock); FREE(b->buffer); FREE(b->name); FREE(*pb); } // Returns -1 on buffer wrap around int cbuf_fill(CBUF *b, uint8_t *data, int datasize) { int ret = 0; cbuf_lock(b); // LOGf(" cbuf_fill(%s, '%s', %d)\n", b->name, data, datasize); // cbuf_dump(b); assert(datasize <= b->size); int to_copy = min(datasize, (b->size - b->pos)); if (!to_copy || !data) { LOGf("CBUF [%10s]: Nothing to fill.\n", b->name); ret = -2; goto OUT; } if (cbuf_free_data_size(b)-to_copy <= 0) { // LOGf("CBUF [%10s]: Buffer will wrap by (%d bytes). Data not filled, consume more!\n", b->name, -(cbuf_free_data_size(b)-to_copy)); // cbuf_dump(b); // b->debug_get = 1; ret = -1; goto OUT; } memcpy(b->buffer + b->pos, data, to_copy); int copied = to_copy; b->pos += copied; // Move current buffer position b->input += copied; assert(b->pos <= b->size); if (b->pos == b->size) { // Buffer wrap around b->pos = 0; } if (copied < datasize) { // Move the rest // Logs when wrapping // LOGf("cbuf(%10s) copied < datasize, copied:%d datasize:%d datasize-copied: %d pos:%d\n", // b->name, copied, datasize, datasize - copied, b->pos); // cbuf_dump(b); cbuf_unlock(b); ret = cbuf_fill(b, data + copied, datasize - copied); goto OUT; } OUT: cbuf_unlock(b); return ret; } /* Returns how much space is left to the end of the buffer */ static int cbuf_size_to_end(CBUF *b) { int ret = b->input - b->output; if (b->writepos + ret > b->size) { ret = b->size - b->writepos; } return ret; } int cbuf_data_size(CBUF *b) { return cbuf_size_to_end(b); } void *cbuf_get(CBUF *b, int size, int *ret_datasize) { cbuf_lock(b); void *ret = NULL; int new_size = min(size, cbuf_size_to_end(b)); if (b->debug_get) { LOGf("1 cbuf_get(%s, %d) new_size: %d size_to_end: %d\n", b->name, size, new_size, cbuf_size_to_end(b)); cbuf_dump(b); } if (new_size <= 0) { // No data *ret_datasize = 0; ret = NULL; goto OUT; } *ret_datasize = new_size; ret = b->buffer + b->writepos; b->writepos += new_size; // Move writepos b->output += new_size; if (b->writepos > b->size) { LOGf("!!! b->writepos > b->size !!! size:%d new_size:%d\n", size, new_size); cbuf_dump(b); assert(b->writepos <= b->size); } if (b->writepos == b->size) // Buffer wraparound b->writepos = 0; OUT: if (b->debug_get) { LOGf("2 cbuf_get(%s, %d) new_size: %d size_to_end: %d ret_sz:%d\n", b->name, size, new_size, cbuf_size_to_end(b), *ret_datasize); cbuf_dump(b); b->debug_get = 0; } cbuf_unlock(b); return ret; } void *cbuf_peek(CBUF *b, int size, int *ret_datasize) { cbuf_lock(b); void *ret = NULL; int new_size = min(size, cbuf_size_to_end(b)); if (new_size <= 0) { // No data *ret_datasize = 0; ret = NULL; goto OUT; } *ret_datasize = new_size; ret = b->buffer + b->writepos; OUT: cbuf_unlock(b); return ret; } void cbuf_copy(CBUF *from, CBUF *to) { // LOGf("cbuf_copy(%s, %s)\n", from->name, to->name); int data_size; void *data; do { data = cbuf_get(from, from->input - from->output, &data_size); if (from->debug_get) LOGf("copied from %s to %s size=%d\n", from->name, to->name, data_size); if (!data || data_size <= 0) break; cbuf_fill(to, data, data_size); } while (1); } void cbuf_poison(CBUF *b, char poison_byte) { memset(b->buffer, poison_byte, b->size); } /* void consume(CBUF *b, int size) { int data_size, i; char *data = cbuf_get(b, size, &data_size); if (data && data_size > 0) { printf("Consumed %d Data: \"", data_size); for (i=0;i