libfuncs ======== You won't find anything earth shattering here. It is just a bunch of code that was used all over my projects, so I just extracted it into a self contained library suitable for static compilation and decided to release it. You'll probably find better list functions, queue functions and just about anything than what it is here, so be warned. The code works and it is used in production, but it is not pretty, documented or portable. Developed and tested in Linux environment only with very rare compilation tests under FreeBSD. Using it ======== Clone or download libfuncs in a directory in your source tree and look at the example Makefile bellow: --- FUNCS_DIR = libfuncs FUNCS_LIB = $(FUNCS_DIR)/libfuncs.a all: prog prog_OBJS = main.o $(FUNCS_LIB) $(FUNCS_LIB): $(MAKE) -s -C $(FUNCS_DIR) prog: $(prog_OBJS) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(prog_OBJS) -o prog --- In every C file that you need to use it, add #include "libfuncs/libfuncs.h" Documentation ============= There isn't any. I'm too lazy to write proper docs. Maybe some day but until then just look at the header files. Development =========== The development is tracked using git. The repository is hosted at github to get it, run the following command: git clone git:// Releases ======== Official releases can be downloaded from libfuncs home page which is Contact ======= For patches, bug reports, complaints and so on send e-mail to Georgi Chorbadzhiyski