/* * fjfs * fjfs is FUSE module that implements virtual joining of multiple files as one. * * Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Georgi Chorbadzhiyski (georgi@unixsol.org) * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use of this script, with or without modification, is * permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of this script must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO * EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #define FUSE_USE_VERSION 26 #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500 // for "pread" #define _GNU_SOURCE 1 // for "getline" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static const char *program_id = "fjfs v" VERSION " (" GIT_VER ", build " BUILD_ID ")"; /* Handle list of files */ struct fileinfo { int fd; char *name; off_t size; }; struct files { int num_files; off_t total_size; int alloc_files; struct fileinfo **data; }; enum fl_mode { FL_FILE, FL_GLOB, FL_ARGS }; struct files *filelist; char *filenames; char *mountpoint; int debug = 0; int allow_other = 0; int mountpoint_created = 0; enum fl_mode list_mode = FL_FILE; static struct files *files_alloc(void) { struct files *f = calloc(1, sizeof(struct files)); f->alloc_files = 64; f->data = calloc(f->alloc_files, sizeof(struct fileinfo *)); return f; } static void files_free(struct files **pfiles) { struct files *files = *pfiles; struct fileinfo *file; int i; if (files) { for (i=0; inum_files; i++) { file = files->data[i]; close(file->fd); free(file->name); free(file); } free(files->data); free(*pfiles); *pfiles = NULL; } } static void files_dump(struct files *files) { int i; fprintf(stdout,"num_files:%d\n", files->num_files); fprintf(stdout,"alloc_files:%d\n", files->alloc_files); fprintf(stdout,"total_sizes:%lld\n", (unsigned long long)files->total_size); for (i=0; inum_files; i++) { struct fileinfo *f = files->data[i]; fprintf(stdout,"file[%d]->fd=%d\n", i, f->fd); fprintf(stdout,"file[%d]->name=%s\n", i, f->name); fprintf(stdout,"file[%d]->size=%llu\n", i, (unsigned long long)f->size); } } static int files_add_file(struct files *files, char *filename) { int ret = 0; struct stat sb; if (stat(filename, &sb) != -1) { struct fileinfo *file; int fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "open(%s) error : %s\n", filename, strerror(errno)); return ret; } file = calloc(1, sizeof(struct fileinfo)); file->name = strdup(filename); file->size = sb.st_size; file->fd = fd; files->total_size += file->size; files->data[files->num_files] = file; files->num_files++; if (files->num_files >= files->alloc_files-1) { files->alloc_files *= 2; files->data = realloc(files->data, files->alloc_files * sizeof(struct fileinfo *)); } ret = 1; } else { fprintf(stderr, "stat(%s) error : %s\n", filename, strerror(errno)); } return ret; } static int files_load_filelist(struct files *files, char *filename) { size_t len; ssize_t readed; int ret = 0; char *line = NULL; FILE *file = fopen(filename, "r"); if (!file) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't open %s : %s\n", filename, strerror(errno)); return ret; } while ((readed = getline(&line, &len, file)) != -1) { line[readed-1] = '\0'; ret += files_add_file(files, line); } free(line); fclose(file); return ret; } static int files_load_glob(struct files *files, char *glob_match) { int i, entries, ret = 0; struct dirent **namelist; char *f1 = strdup(glob_match); char *f2 = strdup(glob_match); char *dir = dirname(f1); char *match = basename(f2); if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "dir:%s match:%s req:%s\n", dir, match, glob_match); entries = scandir(dir, &namelist, NULL, alphasort); if (entries < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "scandir %s : %s\n", dir, strerror(errno)); free(f1); free(f2); return 0; } char *filename = calloc(1, strlen(dir) + NAME_MAX + 16); for (i=0;id_name, FNM_PATHNAME) == 0) { sprintf(filename, "%s/%s", dir, entry->d_name); ret += files_add_file(files, filename); } free(entry); } free(filename); free(namelist); free(f1); free(f2); return ret; } static int fuse_getattr(const char *path, struct stat *stbuf) { if (strcmp(path, "/") != 0) return -ENOENT; if (fstat(filelist->data[0]->fd, stbuf) == -1) return -errno; stbuf->st_size = filelist->total_size; return 0; } static int fuse_read(const char *path, char *buf, size_t size, off_t offset, struct fuse_file_info *fi) { (void)fi; // prevent warning int i; struct fileinfo *file = filelist->data[0]; ssize_t readen, totreaden = 0; off_t fileofs = offset, passed = 0; int filenum = 0; if (strcmp(path, "/") != 0) return -ENOENT; if (offset >= filelist->total_size) // Hmm :) return 0; if (offset + size > filelist->total_size) { // Asking for too much if (filelist->total_size < offset) // Prevent overflow return 0; size = filelist->total_size - offset; } if (offset > file->size) { // After the first file // Find the file that corresponds to the required offset // Can be slow with lots of files, but do it simple for now for (i=0; inum_files; i++) { struct fileinfo *f = filelist->data[i]; passed += f->size; if (passed >= offset) { file = f; filenum = i; fileofs = file->size - (passed - offset); break; } } } // Read all data do { readen = pread(file->fd, buf, size, fileofs); if (readen == -1) // Error reading return -errno; totreaden += readen; fileofs += readen; buf += readen; size -= readen; if (fileofs >= file->size) { fileofs = 0; filenum++; if (filenum >= filelist->num_files) { break; } file = filelist->data[filenum]; } } while(size > 0); return totreaden; } static int fjfs_unlink(const char *path) { if (strcmp(path, "/") != 0) return -ENOENT; return unlink(path); } static void clear_mountpoint(void) { if (mountpoint_created) unlink(mountpoint); } static void fjfs_destroy(void *f __attribute__((unused))) { clear_mountpoint(); } static struct fuse_operations concatfs_op = { .getattr = fuse_getattr, .read = fuse_read, .unlink = fjfs_unlink, .destroy = fjfs_destroy, }; static const char *short_options = "fgaohd"; static const struct option long_options[] = { { "file", no_argument, NULL, 'f' }, { "glob", no_argument, NULL, 'g' }, { "args", no_argument, NULL, 'a' }, { "allow-other", no_argument, NULL, 'o' }, { "help", no_argument, NULL, 'h' }, { "debug", no_argument, NULL, 'd' }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; static void show_usage(void) { printf("%s\n", program_id); printf("FUSE module for virtual joining of multiple files into one.\n"); printf("Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Georgi Chorbadzhiyski\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Usage: fjfs [file-list-options] [options] mount-point-file file-list\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Note: file-list depends on the options described bellow.\n"); printf("\n"); printf("File list options:\n"); printf(" -f --file | file-list is text file containing list of files (default).\n"); printf(" -g --glob | file-list is glob (*, ?, dir/file*).\n"); printf(" -a --args | file-list is N filenames (file1 file2 fileX).\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Examples:\n"); printf(" - Join files listed in filelist.txt as test-mount.txt\n"); printf(" fjfs test-mount.txt filelist.txt\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" - Join files named testfile*.txt as test-mount.txt\n"); printf(" fjfs --glob test-mount.txt 'testfile*.txt'\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" - Join files named testfileX.txt testfileY.txt testfileZ.txt as test-mount.txt\n"); printf(" fjfs --args test-mount.txt testfileX.txt testfileY.txt testfileZ.txt\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Other options:\n"); printf(" -o --allow-other | Mount FUSE with allow_other option. This allows other users\n"); printf(" . to access the mounted fjfs instance. /etc/fuse.conf must\n"); printf(" . contain \"user_allow_other\" in order for this option to work.\n"); } static void parse_parameters(int argc, char *argv[]) { int j; while ( (j = getopt_long(argc, argv, short_options, long_options, NULL)) != -1 ) { switch (j) { case 'f': list_mode = FL_FILE; break; case 'g': list_mode = FL_GLOB; break; case 'a': list_mode = FL_ARGS; break; case 'd': debug = 1; break; case 'o': allow_other = 1; break; case 'h': show_usage(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); break; } } mountpoint = argv[optind]; filenames = argv[optind + 1]; if (!mountpoint || !filenames) { show_usage(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (debug) { fprintf(stderr, "mount point: %s\n", mountpoint); switch (list_mode) { case FL_FILE: fprintf(stderr, "list (file) : %s\n", filenames); break; case FL_GLOB: fprintf(stderr, "list (glob) : %s\n", filenames); break; case FL_ARGS: fprintf(stderr, "list (args) :"); for (j = optind + 1; j < argc; j++) { fprintf(stderr, " %s", argv[j]); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); break; } } } static int prepare_mountpoint(void) { struct stat sb; if (stat(mountpoint, &sb) == -1) { // Mount point do not exist. FILE *f = fopen(mountpoint, "wb"); if (!f) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't create mount point %s : %s\n", mountpoint, strerror(errno)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } mountpoint_created = 1; fclose(f); } else { // Mount exist, check if it is a file. if (!S_ISREG(sb.st_mode)) { fprintf(stderr, "Mount point \"%s\" is not a file!\n", mountpoint); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } return 1; } static int init_filelist(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i, ret = 0; filelist = files_alloc(); if (!filelist) return ret; switch (list_mode) { case FL_FILE: ret = files_load_filelist(filelist, filenames); break; case FL_GLOB: ret = files_load_glob(filelist, filenames); break; case FL_ARGS: for (i = optind + 1; i < argc; i++) { ret += files_add_file(filelist, argv[i]); } break; } if (debug) files_dump(filelist); if (!ret) fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: No files were selected for joining.\n"); return ret; } static int mount_fuse(char *program_file) { char *fuse_argv[5]; fuse_argv[0] = program_file; fuse_argv[1] = mountpoint; fuse_argv[2] = "-o"; if (!allow_other) fuse_argv[3] = "nonempty,fsname=fjfs"; else fuse_argv[3] = "nonempty,allow_other,fsname=fjfs"; fuse_argv[4] = 0; return fuse_main(4, fuse_argv, &concatfs_op, NULL); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ret = EXIT_FAILURE; parse_parameters(argc, argv); mountpoint_created = prepare_mountpoint(); if (init_filelist(argc, argv)) ret = mount_fuse(argv[0]); clear_mountpoint(); files_free(&filelist); return ret; }