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Петък, 26 Ноември 2004

Започнах на поддържам огледало на SlackSec.info. Тези момчета предоставят неофициални пакети с поправени грешки в сигурността на Slackware Linux докато Патрик Волкердинг се оправи и продължи той да си ги поддържа.

[ Коментари: 3 ]

А защо не поддържаш огледало на http://www.slackware.org.br/~patrick/WORKGUS/? [1]

Hash: SHA1

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When Patrick Volkerding went "offline" as it were, many divergent groups began to produce security updates for the Slackware Linux operating system as third parties. Recently the officially blessed group (http://www.slackware.org.br/~patrick/WORKGUS/) and the largest group have begun talk of merging our efforts into one.

SlackSec (http://www.slacksec.info) and slackware.org.br are now beginning to share packages. You should be able to get packages from either site (and of course their mirrors). Soon we hope to have a more concrete announcement. For now, look for good things to come from both projects.
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Version: GnuPG v1.2.6 (GNU/Linux)


Написа Иво на 27-Nov-2004 10:25

Това получих от SlackSec. Тоест няма смисъл аз да поддыржам и двата, хората ще се погрижат.

As you may or may not be aware, Pat has endorsed the security updates available from http://www.slackware.org.br/~patrick/WORKGUS/ (see the changelog for more information)

Their main focus is -current and 9.1, and our main focus us 10.0.

We have begun talk of merging our efforts into one. The way this is planned to work is as follows:

When either team releases a new package, the other team will download it, verify it, add or remove the "ssec" release extension, and then release it themselves.

Please see http://www.slacksec.org/files/announce.txt for an announcement signed with their gpg key.

Thanks for your support,

Fred Emmott

Написа Георги Чорбаджийски (www) на 27-Nov-2004 10:43

Да. След като се поразрових малко повече, разбрах за какво става дума.

Вчера, препратен от Slackware ChangeLog-а попаднах на бразилския сайт и пробвах да тегля от там, но бавната връзка бързо ме отказа. Вече се канех да ти пиша с идеята за подобен mirror и добре, че първо погледнах тук;)


Написа Иво на 27-Nov-2004 13:56